Multiple Criteria


Don Rountree

I have a list of customers. In column B I've listed my
customer's account numbers. I columns H through L, the
column headings in row one are the abreviations of days of
the week. On a separate sheet, I have a list of all my
customer's order days. The account numbers are in column
A and the order days are in column D. (One order day per
row. Multiple instances of the same customer in different
rows.) What formula do I use to lookup the order day on
the separate sheet and place it in the appropriate column
on my first sheet? Any help would be welcome.

Don Rountree

Paul Corrado


Since your customer list on the order day list contains duplicates when
customers have more than one duplicate, you can add a helper column that
would enable a lookup to return the required information.

On the separate list of order days add the following formula in the first
row of a blank column and copy down


For Customer AAA with an order date of Wed, This would return AAAWED

Then within the table you have created with customers down the left column
(Col A) and days of the week along the top (Row 1) use the following formula

=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP($A2&B$1,"range of order days",1,FALSE))=TRUE,"","X")

This will put an X if the customer has an order on that day and a blank if
they do not



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