Multiple Critiera Sum Array - One critiera to be between two numbers



I have a report that uses the following formula to sum up a large
series of data in a standard report. The data entered needs to be
exact but I have just had a person ask for a sum between a certain
range and I'm having troubles trying to figure it out using a modified
version below.

{=SUM((act.ccb=VALUE('BA Report with budget'!
BCostCentre))*(act.ccc=VALUE('BA Report with budget'!
$C272))*(act.ccd=VALUE('BA Report with budget'!BFund))*(act.act))}

Logically, I want to be able to modify where
"act.ccb=VALUE(BCostCentre)" to something like .....
"acct.ccb=BETWEEN(BCostCentre1,BCostCentre2)" and it will sum up the
data between that specific range.

Would this be at all possible?

Jarek Kujawa


hope you replaced "act" with "acct" deliberately



hope you replaced "act" with "acct" deliberately

This isn't working - an example below...


When I remove the act.ccc< and act.ccc> the formula works but with
this in, it's not working.


I ended up using a "select case" function in VBA to determine which
category in would be in.
It made life so much easier!

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