Multiple Cursor Locations in Word



I recently upgraded Office 2000 Prof Ed to Office 2003 Prof Ed. The
installation went fine and I never had the following problem until after the
update. When I now use Word and I move the cursor location, either with the
mouse or keyboard arrows, a cursor image (solid non-blinking line) stays at
the original location and a new cursor is placed at the new location. I can
do this two or three times on a page. The cursor location image does not
print on hard copies. Word's performance 'seems' to be slightly slower after
the upgrade.

There is no problem in Excel or Outlook. I have not tried PowerPoint yet.

I initially thought it might be a display buffer issue and reduced the
hardware acceleration to disable all DirectDraw, Direct3D, cursor, and
advanced drawing accelerations. This did not help.

I have also update my IntelliPoint software from 5.00 to 5.20

Neither of these worked - any other ideas.

Computer: Pentium 3, 256 MB RAM, Intel Real 3D Starfighter PCI video card w/
8MB RAM, Windows 2000-SP4 w/Office Professional 2003.

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