If one has a normalized database, then different types of measurement data
will not be in different fields, but rather in a structure with
measurement.name and measurement.value as the field names. A brief example
will illustrate the potential problem.
tblMeasurement.lookup: measurement.id, measurement.name, measurement.units,
tblMeasurements: measurement.name,measurement.value, plus fields linking to
other tables.
The problem is that the field measurement.value can only be of one data type
(text, numeric, etc.). What if some of the measurement.values are text, some
are numeric, and some are logical? If this is the case, it appears that text
is the lowest common denominator, and access functions exist that can
transform text to numeric or logical in queries. Alternatively, it would be
easier to have separate measurement tables for the measurement.names
associated with different data types? What is the best way to keep normality
but have the correct data types?
will not be in different fields, but rather in a structure with
measurement.name and measurement.value as the field names. A brief example
will illustrate the potential problem.
tblMeasurement.lookup: measurement.id, measurement.name, measurement.units,
tblMeasurements: measurement.name,measurement.value, plus fields linking to
other tables.
The problem is that the field measurement.value can only be of one data type
(text, numeric, etc.). What if some of the measurement.values are text, some
are numeric, and some are logical? If this is the case, it appears that text
is the lowest common denominator, and access functions exist that can
transform text to numeric or logical in queries. Alternatively, it would be
easier to have separate measurement tables for the measurement.names
associated with different data types? What is the best way to keep normality
but have the correct data types?