Multiple dates need to obide by



Here is the problem

I know when I am going to start the task and the last day the task ca
be finished by. My question is I have three other dates that need to b
added in between the start and finish date. These three dates check o
the task and make sure everything is going alright. Should I just ad
in three more start dates as start date1, start date2, and start date
or is there a better way to go about doing this.

Also for each task, I have alot of information where I had to add mor
text columns and it is getting pretty messy to look at. Is there a wa
to be able to minimize all the added columns without having to hide eac
one. (ex.Somehow have minimize button where those colomns will fold u
on demand.

Any responses are appreciated. Thanks, Scot

Rob Schneider

First, best to enter NO dates other than the project start date.

I think you have eight tasks. Simplistically (and you can add more
sophistication). Four "do" tasks. Break it up into four parts. Three
"check" tasks which are of duration sufficiently long to actually allow
the check to be done. A final milestone (duration=0) for the whole
thing being done.

Task 1: Do part 1. Start date=whatever it is.

Task 2: Check part 1. Make it duration=1 day (or whatever).
predecessor is Task 1. Deadline=date you want it done.

Task 3: Do part 2. Duration=whatever. Predecessor is Task 2

Task 4: Check part 2. Duration=1 day. Predecessor Task 3. Deadline=date
you want it done.

Task 5: Do part 3. Duration=whatever. Predecessor Task 4.

Task 6: Check part 3. Duration=1 day. Predecessor Task 5. Deadline=date
you want it done.

Task 7: Do part 4. Duration=whatever. Predecessor Task 6.

Task 8: Milestone: All Parts Done. Duration=0. Predecessor=Task 7.
Deadline=date you want it done.

Re all the extra text columns ... when they are in the way, simply
remove them from the view. you can always put them back.


Jim Aksel

To handle the issue of "Must be finished by...." you should add a *Deadline*
to certain tasks. You can do this several ways, I double click the task,
pull the advanced tab and then set the deadline date there.
If your schedule logic drives the finsih of a task past its deadline date,
you will get a red diamond in the indicators column telling you the deadline
was missed.

I avoid using date constraints (such as Finish No Later Than) as it does not
give you what you think. Items like FNLT do exactly what they say. Try it,
create Task A starting today and link it to another task, Task B. Task B
should start tomorrow, correct? Now give Task B a date constraint of FNLT
Nov 1, 2009. What you will see is TaskB backs up but Task A sits still ....
not logically sound.

I like Rob's post. Essentially you need to break the task down to
additional detail.
Build House

Build House (summary task)
Pour Foundation
Ispect Foundation
Inspect Framing
Roof Up
Inpsect Roof

Link as needed with predecesors/successors.
If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.

Jim Aksel, MVP

Check out my blog for more information:


Thanks everyone for all the responses. I divided all the tasks to no
have subtasks. It looks much better but now will take a little longer t
do but that is alright. I took your advice on the columns and made
custom table. The only problem is this information is not for me, it i
for people that know even less about project than me. I appreciate al
the responses

Rob Schneider

Now you raise an interesting point ... is the purpose of Project to help
make a project plan, or is the purpose of Project to make a MPP file
that is given to stakeholders/executives (or whoever those are that
"know even less about project than me")?

Careful. Just because you can, should, and do use Project to *help*
develop a plan, it does not mean that you necessarily give the raw data
to those who "know less", e.g. the MPP file or complex reports. Do
give them Project's output if that output does not tell the story that
you as PM want to tell.

Use Project to help you make a good plan that is achievable, affordable,
and plans the deliverables as expected by the people who pay the bill.
Don't let Project get in the way of proper communication with those
people. If fact, if Project output gets in the way--then use use
something else. (Yes, that will cost more time/money to
produce--especially if the funders want "pretty project graphics and
reports", but that's their prerogative.)

Danger, Will Robinson. Danger.


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