Multiple Dates



I have a form that has 7 date fields on it. 6 of those fields must contain a
specific date based on what the date the first one has for example:

date1 = todays date or any date

date2 = 55 days later. date3 = 59 days later, date4 = 115 days later, date5
= 119 days later, date6 = 175 days, and date7 = 179 days later.

The AddDate function works perfect to do it but the actual date displayed
must be displayed in a way to modified individually in case something was not
dont on the specific date but you can actually change it in the text box.

Al Campagna

If I understand correctly...
Use the AfterUpdate event of Date1...
Date2 = DateAdd("d",55,Date1)
Date3 = DateAdd("d",59,Date1)
etc... for each date2-7 field.
Those date fields will all be editable.
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP

"Find a job that you love... and you'll never work a day in your life."


Let's say your date-holding text boxes are named
txt_Date_1, ..., txt_Date_7

and are presumably bound to table columns Date_1, ..., Date_7 of type

In your form, try this:

Private Sub txt_Date_1_AfterUpdate()
If IsNull(Me.txt_Date_2) Then _
Me.txt_Date_2 = DateAdd("d", 55, Me.txt_Date_1)
If IsNull(Me.txt_Date_3) Then _
Me.txt_Date_3 = DateAdd("d", 59, Me.txt_Date_1)
If IsNull(Me.txt_Date_4) Then _
Me.txt_Date_4 = DateAdd("d", 55, Me.txt_Date_1)
If IsNull(Me.txt_Date_5) Then _
Me.txt_Date_5 = DateAdd("d", 115, Me.txt_Date_1)
If IsNull(Me.txt_Date_6) Then _
Me.txt_Date_6 = DateAdd("d", 119, Me.txt_Date_1)
If IsNull(Me.txt_Date_7) Then _
Me.txt_Date_7 = DateAdd("d", 179, Me.txt_Date_1)
End Sub

( The <space><underline> is used to "wrap" a long line, I did this
so it would fit in the forum window.

What this does it put a value into the 2nd thru 7th date, but it is still an
editable item, so it can be over-ridden.

You dind't say if changing, say, the 3rd date shoudl cause a ripple effect
upon subsequent dates. if so, you could handle that as well. Such as, say

Private Sub txt_Date_3_AfterUpdate()
Dim int_Bump As Integer
int_Bump = 21 ' how many days beyond date_3

' Only do this if there is already a value in the next date field
If Not IsNull(Me.txt_Date_4) Then _
Me.txt_Date_4 = DateAdd("d",int_Bump,Me.txt_Date_3)
End If
End Sub

Note that if you have this for each, it will ripple through


This is what i have in the afterupdate:

Private Sub date1_AfterUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If IsNull(Me.date2) Then
Me.date2 = DateAdd("d", 55, Me.date1)
If IsNull(Me.date3) Then
Me.date3 = DateAdd("d", 59, Me.date1)
If IsNull(Me.date4) Then
Me.date4 = DateAdd("d", 55, Me.date1)
If IsNull(Me.date5) Then
Me.date5 = DateAdd("d", 115, Me.date1)
If IsNull(Me.date6) Then
Me.date6 = DateAdd("d", 119, Me.date1)
If IsNull(Me.date7) Then
Me.date7 = DateAdd("d", 179, Me.date1)
End Sub
It still did not work


i tried it this way:

Private Sub date1_AfterUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
date2 = DateAdd("d", 55, date1)
date3 = DateAdd("d", 59, date1)
date4 = DateAdd("d", 115, date1)
date5 = DateAdd("d", 119, date1)
date6 = DateAdd("d", 175, date1)
date7 = DateAdd("d", 179, date1)
End Sub

it didnt work, the error message i get is "The expression Afterupdate as the
event proerty setting produced the following error: Procedure does not match
description of event or procedure having the same name."


You missed a subtle thing. Those IF xxxx THEN xxxx
lines in my code are logical one-liners, but wrapped via the continuation
sequemce <blank><underline> so that they wouldn't work-wrap in the forum

If statements come in several forms:

if condition then singlestatement

if condition then
end if

if condition then
end if

My example used the first format, but the line had to be wrapped to fit the
forum display.

You can fix it either by putting the <blank><underline> after each of the
THENs in my code, OR by putting an END IF on a separate line after the
replacement statement.

Variation 1 - unwrap the line

if IsNull(me.txt_date_2) then me.txt_date_2 = DateAdd("d",55,me.txt_date_1)

(with my luck the above line will wrap. It REALLY is one line

Variation 2 - put in the underline

if IsNull(Me.txt_Date_2) Then _ <---- see the space underline?
Me.txt_Date_2 = DateAdd("d",55,Me.txt_Date_1)

Variation 3 -
if IsNull(Me.txt_Dat_2) Then
Me.txt_Date_2 = DateAdd("d",55,Me.txt_Date_1)
End If


it worked perfect, and thank you..... but i noticed that if you made a
mistate with the starting date, it wont recalculate the date but only if you
go to a new record, is there a solution to this?


My original intent was to only ripple down into subsequent dates if there was
no value there - that's what the IsNull testing is for. You have many
options. Here are two

a) a "Clear All" button - it sets all of the dates to NULL. Your user can
then try again.

Private Sub btn_ClearAll_Click()
Me.txt_Date_1.Value = Null
Me.txt_Date_7.Value = Null
End Sub

b) remove the
If IsNull(something) Then
and just slam the dates in whether there is a date there already or not.

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