Multiple Dlookup issue



Hi. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong in the phrase below? It's
supposed to find the zip code from a table for the previous stop on that
load. I'll properly condition the first stop later. I get a blank field in
the form. This is from the control source in my subform. If I remove the
last part I get the current zip code. Here's the phrase.

=DLookUp("[LocationZIP]","Locations","[LocationID]=" & [Forms]![Loads]![Stop
Order]![LocationID] & " And [StopNumber]=-1+ [Forms]![Loads]![Stop

I did -1+... becuase I wasn't sure where to put the quotes around it. Any
help would be welcome.


Mauricio Silva

If I understood:

=DLookUp("[LocationZIP]","Locations","[LocationID]=" & [Forms]![Loads]![Stop
Order]![LocationID] & " And [StopNumber]= " & [Forms]![Loads]![Stop
Order]!StopNumber - 1)

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