Multiple document index uses docs showing fields


Jeff Gilbertson

I recently discovered the RD field technique for making one index of
multiple documents, but I need some help. It appears when I try to
insert the index, Word makes the XE fields in the individual documents
visible, therefore throwing off all of the page numbers. Is there a
way I can make Word use the documents with the fields not visible?
I've been playing around with turning pagination on and off, saving in
different files in views, etc. but no luck. This is Word 2003.

Several years ago I wrote a (rather ridiculous) macro that merges
individual file indexes by cutting and pasting the page numbers. But
it would be nice if I could get Word to do it with the above technique
(it would be a lot faster too).



Suzanne S. Barnhill

XE fields are formatted as Hidden text. When you insert the fields, Word
turns on the display of Hidden text so that you can see the fields. You must
turn this off again before generating your index. Generally speaking, this
is a global setting: Tools | Options | View: Hidden text.

Jeff Gilbertson

Wow, thank you for the quick response. Unfortunately for me, that
doesn't appear to be the problem. I'll explain further.

What I am doing is using a concordance file and automark to insert the
XE fields. You are correct in that Word turns on the display so I can
see the fields. It looks like it does that through Tools | Options |
View: Formatting marks - All, rather than "Hidden text" (minor point).
In either case, if I turn them all off (hide the fields) and insert an
index at the end of the individual file, it does the index correctly
for that file. I have tried saving the files just like this when I
close them.

This is where my problem occurs. I want a merged index of all the
individual files (chapters) in a separate document, so I create a new
document with a bunch of { rd chap1.doc }{ rd chap2.doc } etc. fields.
When I try to insert an index here, it grabs the page numbers from the
individual files as if the fields were not hidden. (This all occurs
inivisible to the user of course but I was able to figure out what was
happening by looking at the page numbers it creates and comparing them
to an individual file index generated with the XE fields showing) I
have tried inserting the index in this new document with various view
options on and off with no luck.

I'd be curious to know if anyone has been able to successfully create
an index from a file of sufficient length (where page numbers would
change depending on whether fields are shown or not) from a different
file using { rd }. I'm stumped!

Thanks again!


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Are you sure that you have Hidden text hidden when you generate the index?
BTW, I mentioned the Tools | Options | View setting only because many users
don't understand that the Show/Hide ¶ button toggles between All and any
specific boxes that may have been checked, so it is possible to toggle the
button without hiding Hidden text if it is checked (in fact, that's sort of
the way I operate when I'm working on indexes, except that I toggle between
All and everything *but* Hidden because I'm used to seeing nonprinting
characters but need to hide Hidden text to generate the index).

Jeff Gilbertson

Yep, I am sure. To eliminate the possibility that something else weird
was going on in my files, I used this example as a test:

Create new file ("filetoindex.doc"), and with fields visible fill
entire first page and part of second with {XE "one"}
On second page, add an {XE "two"}

Now, when the index is generated with fields showing you get:
one, 1, 2 two, 2

Generate the index without fields showing (looks like a blank document)
you get:
one, 1 two, 1

Now, create a second file consisting of only a { rd filetoindex.doc }
Insert the index and you get:
one, 1, 2 two, 2

but what is desired is the index that was created without fields
one, 1 two, 1

and that is what I can't get to happen. It looks like Word always
reads files with fields showing when using rd.


Stein Kristiansen

Have someone found a solution to this?

I have exactly the same problem. I'm writing an instructional manual where I
use hidden text for information to the instructor. To print out the student
version of the book I just hide the hidden text and print it out.
The problem is that when I try to generate a TOC for the student verision
using RD fields the page numbering in the generated TOC always includes the
hidden text.
I have even used a macro to go through all the Refeenced Documents and made
sure that ShowAll, ShowHiddenText, ShowFieldCodes are all set to FALSE before
the documents are repaginated and saved before the TOC are updated. It
doesn't help, the page numbering is still wrong.

Another intresting abservation is that if the Referenced Documents are open
when I update the TOC I get "Error! Bookmark not defined." instead of page

If anyone has a solution I would be very greatful.


Jeff Gilbertson

I think we are out of luck. Your situation is a little more workable
(though still a pain) in that you can concatenate the individual TOC
created in each file into the master TOC with cut/paste. It's probably
a good idea to convert the table to text with CTRL+SHIFT+F9 so it
doesn't try to update the page numbers again after TOC generation.
This won't work for my problem (index generation) as each individual
index needs to be merged with the others, not concatenated.

I figure what is happening with your "Error! Bookmark not defined"
problem is that when the referenced documents are open, it "locks out"
the master TOC file from reading it, as if it were being edited by
another user. The solution there is just not to have the referenced
files open.


Stein Kristiansen


Thanks for your answer. I spent several days last week to try to solve this
problem. One of my biggest concern is that Word dosen't seem to be consistent.
In the beggining of the week Word included all the hidden text in the page
numbering when I was creating the TOC, at the end of the week it wasn't. I
wonder if there is a hidden switch somewere inside Word that tells it to
include/exlcude hidden text when it generates TOC?

I ended up with two different macros.

If Word includes the hidden text in the page numbering generating the TOC: I
get a TOC that is correct for the Instructor version of the book. To generate
the TOC for the Student version I have to use a macro that runs through all
the RD documents and delete all text that has the hidden attribute set before
the TOC is generated.

If Word excludes the hidden text in the page numbering: I get a TOC that is
correct for the Student version. To generate the TOC for the Instructor
version the macro must only run through all the documents and turn off the
hidden attribute before generating the TOC.

Both these two macro must be run on copies of the original files because
after the TOC generation these modified documents are no longer correct and
must be deleted.

As a basis for my macros I used the examples on the following page:

On that page you will also find a description how to modify them so that you
can get a consolidated index. Maybe that can solve your problem.


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