Multiple email addresses with Wanadoo using Outlook 2003?



I recently purchased a PC running Windows XP & signed up for broadband with
Wanadoo. I set up user Ids for each member of my family and followed Wanadoo
Help to set up multiple email addresses so that each user would only see
their own emails when using Outlook Express 6. This involved creating an
'admin account', setting up email accounts for each user and setting 'message
rules' in Outlook Express 6. Effectively, email received via the wanadoo
mailbox was 'filtered' to each user based on the name at the head of the
email address (e.g Moggy@). Not being very familiar with computers I'm not
sure whether or not there is in fact actually only one Wanadoo email account?

I have since purchased Office 2003 and tried to transfer what I'd set up in
Outlook Express to Outlook 2003 but without success. Can anyone help?

Apologies if the above doesn't make sense or I haven't included sufficient

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

I think you will have to check with Wanadoo on whether you have one e-mail
address with 5 aliases, or if each of your family members has a separate
e-mail address. Does each family member have his or her own login to WinXP,
or are you all using the same one?

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Brian Tillman

AWM said:
I have since purchased Office 2003 and tried to transfer what I'd set
up in Outlook Express to Outlook 2003 but without success.

What did you try? File>Import and Export>Internet Mail Account Settings
should allow you to transfer Outlook Express accounts to Outlook.


Thank you for your reply Brian.

I have tried numerous things, including importing my email account settings.
Nothing worked. For example, the message rules in Outlook 2003 aren't the
same as in Outlook Express. However, for the benefit of anyone else out
there who may have a similar problem, I have just been informed by Wanadoo
that they do not support Outlook 2003 just Outlook Express. I guess I will
just have to put up with the clumsy arrangement of using both Outlook Express
and Outlook. Can't say I'm too happy about it though.

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

For example, the message rules in Outlook 2003 aren't the same as in
Outlook Express. However, for the benefit of anyone else out there who
may have a similar problem, I have just been informed by Wanadoo that
they do not support Outlook 2003 just Outlook Express. I guess I will
just have to put up with the clumsy arrangement of using both Outlook
Express and Outlook. Can't say I'm too happy about it though.

What they mean when they say that they "don't support Outlook" is that they
are not going to help you get Outlook working, *not* that Outlook won't
work with Wanadoo.

However, you are going to have problems if Wanadoo puts all the mail for a
family into a single mailbox. As you've found, Outlook does not have a
"download only messages addressed to X" rule, so it won't work the same as
Outlook Express in that regard. On the other hand, I wonder how OE's rule
would handle a message addressed to both you and your wife - would the
first one to check mail see it, but not the second?

The only way to really sort things out is to see if Wanadoo will provide
each family member with a separate mailbox. I can't see that it would be
that big a deal to do so - after all, they're already storing all the
messages, just in a single mailbox...

Brian Tillman

AWM said:
I have just
been informed by Wanadoo that they do not support Outlook 2003 just
Outlook Express.

If it's a POP account, Outlook and Outlook Express should work equally well.
Wanadoo doesn't know what type of POP client is access their server and I
guarantee they don't care. When they say "don't support", it means "don't
want to bother answering questions about", it doesn't mean there's some
incompatibility between Outlook and Wanadoo.

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

I see you're getting a good bit of help on this :) Let us know what
Wanadoo says about the individual e-mail accounts -- whether or not they can
each have their own mailbox.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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