Multiple Emails And Attachments



I am having difficulty programming attachments across multiple email
messages. Two ways I've tried programming the attachments:

set oMail = oInspector.CurrentItem
set CCItem = CreateObject("MMOutlook.MMMailItem")

CCItem.Item = oMail

1. In this example, objSAtt returns an Attachment object type, but I
can't reference the Fields property because its not a Redemption

objAttachments = Item.Attachments

For Each objSAtt IN objAttachments

If Not TypeName(objSAtt) = "Nothing" Then
i = i + 1

strCID = objSAtt.Fields(&H3712001E)
msgbox strCID

2. In this example, objsAtt returns an Attachment object type of
when both embedded images and attachments is used in the message. If I
use just embedded images it always returns a CID.

objAttachments = CCItem.Attachments

For Each objSAtt IN objAttachments

If Not TypeName(objSAtt) = "Nothing" Then
i = i + 1

strCID = objSAtt.Fields(&H3712001E)
msgbox strCID

How can I properly determine if an Attachment has a CID and use both
file and embedded images in a message?

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