Multiple emails sent and recieved



I have an on-line Journal. I have had problems with my readers reciveing
multiple email messages from me. Meaning the same message is duplicated 5 or
more times. I also recive back multiple read reciepts and multiple messages
regarding unknown sender or message can not be delivered. What can be done to
stop this problem?

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

I have an on-line Journal. I have had problems with my readers reciveing
multiple email messages from me. Meaning the same message is duplicated 5 or
more times. I also recive back multiple read reciepts and multiple messages
regarding unknown sender or message can not be delivered. What can be done
stop this problem?

The most frequent cause of this is you having your antivirus software
configured to scan mail, particularly outgoing email. That's really
pointless, if you do, because an outgoing message can pick up an infection
ONLY from one already on your hard drive and if there were one there and your
AV program were capable of detecting it, it would already have been detected
BEFORE you sent you mail.

If you have your AV proogram configured to scan mail, uninstall it and
reinstall it without the mail scanning feature.

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