I am running an event type Office 2007 access database. I use the Mail Merge
function to send entrants emails for confirmation of entry. This works fine
using queries for mail merge for one name and one event entry. My question
is: I want to use one name, who has signed up for multiple events, and have
the confirmation email select all the events the player has entered in one
confirmation email? I have produced a report that will list all entrants by
name which includes all entered events following each entrant name. How do I
produce one confirmation email that includes the entrants name with all
events entered?
function to send entrants emails for confirmation of entry. This works fine
using queries for mail merge for one name and one event entry. My question
is: I want to use one name, who has signed up for multiple events, and have
the confirmation email select all the events the player has entered in one
confirmation email? I have produced a report that will list all entrants by
name which includes all entered events following each entrant name. How do I
produce one confirmation email that includes the entrants name with all
events entered?