Multiple Forms from Checkboxes



Is there a way to store multiple forms within one word doc? I have about 50
forms that I want to integrate into one file so that when one of my employees
open the file the first page is a bunch of check boxes that when clicked
create that form in the subsequent pages.

A perk would be that if an employee checks the box, the box and form field
next to it become highlighted--how would I do that? This would make it easier
to see all the forms that have been created by the employee.

Any ideas?


Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?ZGdvbGQ=?=,
Is there a way to store multiple forms within one word doc? I have about 50
forms that I want to integrate into one file so that when one of my employees
open the file the first page is a bunch of check boxes that when clicked
create that form in the subsequent pages.

A perk would be that if an employee checks the box, the box and form field
next to it become highlighted--how would I do that? This would make it easier
to see all the forms that have been created by the employee.
As this could become quite complex, I recommend you ask in the "Word
Programming" newsgroup. Be sure to mention the version of Word involved. Also
specify which set of commands (which toolbar) you're using for the checkboxes.

Probably, I'd store the various documents as AutoText entries. Clicking a
checkbox would run a macro that inserts the AutoText entry.

You'll want to provide more information about the check box and "the form field
next to it" as it's not quite clear what you have in mind, here.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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