multiple hotmail folders


BillR [MVP]

You could try a new profile with a new PST. Open your old personal folders
file and copy items over.


I recently set up a new computer and migrated programs and settings from my
old one using XP Transfer wizard. Outlook 2003 was mostly ok. There was a
problem with Hotmail. I delete the e-mail account and set it up again and it
worked. However now I have 4 Hotmail folders, in addition to the good one,
in my All Mail Folders that when I click on il tells me that the "set of
folders could not be opened ....This error usually appears if the OST or PST
file you are using is:
Protected with file permissions
On a share on a server and the network is down
Corrupt "

The other problem is that in my favorite folders I have a folder that I have
labeled Inbox JDC Hotmail which is fine but I also have a ghost duplicate
folder labeled Inbox in Hotmail which contains the same e-mails as the other.
When I delete it from Favorites, the next time I start Outlook is there.

I looked at the files in Documents and Setting comparing it to my old
computer and I do not see any differences except the date of the archive.pst

Not a big problem, something I could live with it but....



Thank you. I did that, I copied my old PST file and everything is there and
the extra folders and ghost folder are gone. There is a new problem. When I
click on To in a new e-mail it cannot find the contacts. I followed what the
Help suggest for this:

When I click To:, Cc:, or Bcc: I can't see my contacts.

On the Tools menu, click E-mail Accounts.
Select View or change existing directories or address books, then click Next.
This will display if the Microsoft Outlook Address Book (Address Book: The
collection of address books that you can use to store names, e-mail
addresses, fax numbers, and distribution lists. The Address Book may contain
a Global Address List, an Outlook Address Book, and a Personal Address Book.)
is added. Do one of the following:

The Outlook Address Book is listed.

On the Go menu, click Folder List.
Right-click your contact folders, click Properties, and then click the
Outlook Address Book tab.
Make sure Show this folder as an e-mail Address Book is selected

The Outlook Address book is listed Type MAPI

and I selected Show this folder. But it does not work.

I can send e-mails from contacts by Action/ New Message


I have discovered that when I create a new profile the location of the
folders ends up in :
C:\Documents and Settings\Student\Local Settings\Application

Student was a user in the system but it was deleted with the files kept. I
am now in addition to Administrator the only user.


When I click To to go to my contacts in a new e-mail I get the message that
it cannot find it then when I click OK on the message, a Select Names
windows opens up with Show Name from the: Contacts. and it is blank but in
Show names I have another Contacts. and when I select that that I see all my

Brian Tillman

sgtjdc said:
Thank you. I did that, I copied my old PST file and everything is
there and the extra folders and ghost folder are gone.

I hope you didn't copy one PST over the top of another with the same name.
There is a new
problem. When I click on To in a new e-mail it cannot find the
contacts. I followed what the Help suggest for this:

You have destroyed the connection between the Outlook Address Book service
and your Contacts folder. Use Tools>E-mail Accounts>View or change existing
directories or address books>Next. Select Outlook Address Book amd click
Remove. CLick Finish. Stop and restart Outlook. Click Tools>E-mail
Accounts>Add a new directory or address book>Next. Select Additional
Address Books and click Next. Select Outlook Address Book and click Next.
Adjust the sort order if you want and click Finish. It wouldn't hurt t stop
and restart Outlook again. Then right-click your Contacts folder, choose
Properties, select the Outlook Address Book tab and make sure the box
labeled "Show this folder and an e-mail Address Book" is checked. Click OK.


Well .. I found a posting with the same problem and the solution. It was to
go Tools, Address Book, Tools, Options. Contacts was not the first
name/address folder in the list. So I moved it to the top, said Apply, and
that fixed the problem.

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