Multiple index formatting



Im trying to make 3 seperate indexes in a single word document and thanks to
the noticeboard I now have it working through the use of {INDEX\ f "name of
index"} and the use of the F9 key to generate the index. The problem I have
is that it produces a single column index and Im trying to produce a two
colum index with right hand side numbers and tab leaders from the index entry
to the page number. Ive tried changing it through formatting but end up with
it over writing the {index \ f "name of index"} command. How do I format an
index created using this option?
Many thanks

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You don't say what version of Word you have, but if it is 2003 or earlier,
try looking in Word's Help under "Field codes: Index field," which lists the
switches that can be added to the field, one of which is \c. The addition of
\c 2 will give you two columns (you can have up to four). Note also that
when you are initially inserting the index through Insert | Reference |
Index and Tables, you can choose the number of columns and other options,
though the dialog does not provide a way to add the identifier, which you
must do by editing the field directly.


Thanks for the help Suzanne. Im using 2003 but this being my first time I
think I might be doing this incorrectly and out of order. To generate the
index Im doing the following steps Ctrl F9, type in the index name & no of
columns (eg {INDEX\ f"namedirectory"\c2} and then pressing the f9 key to
generate the index. I couldnt figure out how to get the seperate indexes if
I go via the file menu option (insert, reference, index and tables) which
would allow me to format the index.

Its working well, I just need to figure out what I need to add so it will
give me leader tabs between the entry and the page number (eg Smith,

Any suggestions?
Thanks again

Suzanne S. Barnhill

It's a lot easier if you start from the Index and Tables dialog and let it
take you as far as it will, then edit the INDEX code thus generated to add
the extra bits you need. The \e switch is the one you use to define the
separator between the index entry and page number. The default INDEX field
that you get if you use the dialog and check the box for "Right-align page
numbers" is

{ INDEX \e "<tab character>" \c "2" \z "1033" }

The problem is that, if you generate the INDEX field from the dialog, then a
right-aligned tab stop with a period leader is automatically inserted at the
right (column) margin. If you create the INDEX field by hand, you'll need to
modify the Index styles to include this tab stop because they don't include
it by default.

You can have as many INDEX fields as you want, and you can generate them all
from the dialog; just be careful to separate them with at least one empty
paragraph, and if Word asks whether you want to replace the existing index,
say no. You can then edit the fields you've generated to include the
switches needed to pick up your specific entries.


Thanks Suzanne, you've been a great help. Next time I'll be able to do
things that right way round. Thanks again

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