Multiple Instances of Onenote



To my knowledge it is not possible to run multiple instances of OneNote on
the same PC.

The reason for wanting to do this is that instances or not, there should
really be a function to allow people to have more than one notebook open at
the same time, ideally like Tabs in IE7. I frequentlky needs to reference
more than one notebook or pages together. The hierarchy of the
notebook/section/folder/pages may not be convenient.

Say I have to reference Notebook A with Section X on Notebook B. Switching
between each other even using the tree view is a hassle.

Thanks for reading

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Kathy Jacobs

If you are on 2007, you can do this quite easily. Open OneNote. Do
Control-M. You now have a second instance. Navigate to the notebook you want
in that view. The other view will stay where it was. Repeated Control-M's
opens more windows. I just opened 60 of them with no problems.

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


Thanks Kathy for the tips. I never knew such a function exists.
I should have searched the help first lol.

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