Danny J. Lesandrini
This is really weird!
I have a home network with 2 computers. Both use Outlook as a mail client
and share a single pst file on my server. This means that if it's open on my
server, I cannot open it from my office computer. That's fine.
I was running Outlook 2000 on both machines and all was working well. Then
I loaded Office 2003 on my office computer, and started noticing a problem
with my server. Outlook persisted after exiting. I can open the Windows
Task Manager, find and kill the process. If I don't, but rather open a Outlook
again, I get multiple instances of OUTLOOK.EXE in the tast processes window.
I tested it and quit after creating 6 instances. This was on the computer running
Outlook 2000 and reinstalling didn't help. Neither did getting the latest service
I searched Google and applied all the suggestions I found, without success:
* Don't use Word as email editor (I never have)
* Check Add-Ins and uninstall. (Unchecked box for Net Folders)
* Disabled Microsoft Instant Messaging
* Wait for it to time out. (No go. Still active after 5 minutes)
OK, so I decided that I prefer Outlook 2000 to the new 2003 interface, so I
uninstalled Outlook 2003 on my office computer and replaced it with ver 2000.
Now I have the same problem on my office computer.
Remember, they were sharing the same pst file and the problem didn't manifest
itself until I installed Outlook 2003, which opened the shared pst file. Could
it be that there is a registry setting that is set when the pst is opened-- a setting
that Outlook 2003 can deal with, but Outlook 2000 can't?
My workaround is to run this script that kills instances of Outlook, but it's a hack.
I hate having to do this. Maybe I'll just have to replace ver 2000 with the hated
version 2003.
'// BEGIN VB Script Code - Kill_Outlook.vbs //
pgm = "outlook.exe"
set wmi = getobject("winmgmts:")
sQuery = "select * from win32_process " _
& "where name='" & pgm & "'"
set processes = wmi.execquery(sQuery)
msgbox processes.count & " instance(s) of " & pgm
for each process in processes
'// ENDVB Script Code - Kill_Outlook.vbs //
I have a home network with 2 computers. Both use Outlook as a mail client
and share a single pst file on my server. This means that if it's open on my
server, I cannot open it from my office computer. That's fine.
I was running Outlook 2000 on both machines and all was working well. Then
I loaded Office 2003 on my office computer, and started noticing a problem
with my server. Outlook persisted after exiting. I can open the Windows
Task Manager, find and kill the process. If I don't, but rather open a Outlook
again, I get multiple instances of OUTLOOK.EXE in the tast processes window.
I tested it and quit after creating 6 instances. This was on the computer running
Outlook 2000 and reinstalling didn't help. Neither did getting the latest service
I searched Google and applied all the suggestions I found, without success:
* Don't use Word as email editor (I never have)
* Check Add-Ins and uninstall. (Unchecked box for Net Folders)
* Disabled Microsoft Instant Messaging
* Wait for it to time out. (No go. Still active after 5 minutes)
OK, so I decided that I prefer Outlook 2000 to the new 2003 interface, so I
uninstalled Outlook 2003 on my office computer and replaced it with ver 2000.
Now I have the same problem on my office computer.
Remember, they were sharing the same pst file and the problem didn't manifest
itself until I installed Outlook 2003, which opened the shared pst file. Could
it be that there is a registry setting that is set when the pst is opened-- a setting
that Outlook 2003 can deal with, but Outlook 2000 can't?
My workaround is to run this script that kills instances of Outlook, but it's a hack.
I hate having to do this. Maybe I'll just have to replace ver 2000 with the hated
version 2003.
'// BEGIN VB Script Code - Kill_Outlook.vbs //
pgm = "outlook.exe"
set wmi = getobject("winmgmts:")
sQuery = "select * from win32_process " _
& "where name='" & pgm & "'"
set processes = wmi.execquery(sQuery)
msgbox processes.count & " instance(s) of " & pgm
for each process in processes
'// ENDVB Script Code - Kill_Outlook.vbs //