Multiple instances



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Email Client: Exchange Hi, Just researching converting to Mac, have finally had enough of windows. I have 3 separate businesses all running on their own exchange server / domain. Is it possible to have 3 instances of entourage open and connected to 3 different accounts at the same time?

Michel Bintener


even though I am no Exchange expert, I think that you can create as many
Exchange accounts as you want in any edition of Entourage 2008 other than
the Home & Student Edition (which does not support Exchange at all).

Diane Ross

even though I am no Exchange expert, I think that you can create as many
Exchange accounts as you want in any edition of Entourage 2008 other than
the Home & Student Edition (which does not support Exchange at all).

You should also check out if you meet the requirement for the EWS version of
Entourage for Exchange accounts. All three accounts would need to qualify in
order to use EWS v.13x.

Entourage 2008, Web Services Edition has launched (The Entourage Help Blog)


barryw [MVP]

Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Email Client: Exchange Hi, Just researching converting to Mac, have finally had enough of windows. I have 3 separate businesses all running on their own exchange server / domain. Is it possible to have 3 instances of entourage open and connected to 3 different accounts at the same time?

You can't have three instances of Entourage running with a default
install (the Mac system controls applications and things in a
different way to windows). However, you don't need to! Outlook only
allows one exchange account to be created (which is why you need to
run more than one instance to connect to more than one server), but
the mac will allow you to create unlimited exchange accounts in the
same instance! (I say 'unlimited', as I have not found a limit - there
may be one, but it is certainly much higher than the 3 you are
interested in)

If you are in control of all three accounts, just create separate
exchange account sin entourage. if you need to keep the accounts
separate from different users, either use different identities in
Entourage or (better) different system accounts to separate the users.
With Rapid User Switching in the OS, different users can leave their
accounts logged in and quickly switch between them (controlled by
their system passwords) very quickly and easily.


Hi All,

Thank you for your comments. Certainly if entourage will allow multiple exchange accounts then it should work really well. Great news indeed.



barryw [MVP]

Hi All,
Thank you for your comments. Certainly if entourage will allow multiple exchange accounts then it should work really well. Great news indeed.

Yes, Entourage is ahead of Outlook in some respects :)

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