Multiple Language Localization



The Infopath FAQ (
) says You can create one form template with different views for each
language. Using the InfoPath OM (Application.LanguageSettings) you can detect
what the default language is on a user’s machine and switch to the
appropriate view for that language.

My question is: Is it possible to detect the default language settings using
Infopath view1.xsl (inside the stylesheet using xsl:value-of)?

Can the utilty namespaces inside View1.xsl like xdUtil,msxsl or xdDate have
such functions..
something like <xsl:value-of select="xdUtil:DefaultLang" /> ??

Is it possible ? Or is there anyother workaround for language localization?

Thank you.

Brian Teutsch [MSFT]

What are you trying to do directly in the XSL? We've suggested multiple
views because those are much easier to edit directly in the designer, and it
requires almost zero code to siwtch to the correct view based on the user's
default language.



Thanks for replying Brain.
What are you trying to do directly in the XSL?
I have to create 10 forms in 6 languages, each form will have minimum 5
views in it, so its like maintaining 5views x 6lang x 10forms = 300views,
which is not a practical and good idea.

So I want to create a single language resource xml file (contains the
headings and titles in different languages).
The view1.xsl will check the local language settings, load the appropriate
headings and titles from the external xml in to view1.xsl using xsl:param and
assign that to the display variables. With this approach i have to maintain
only 50views.

Now i would like to detect the local language settings using view1.xsl, so
that i can load appropriate external xml tags.
Is it possoble ? Or do you have anyother solution for this problem.
Thank you.



BTW I was able to load an external xml file in View1.xsl using
<xsl:param name="testname" select="document('resource.xml')/en/title1" />


Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Balaji said:
Thanks for replying Brain.
I have to create 10 forms in 6 languages, each form will have minimum 5
views in it, so its like maintaining 5views x 6lang x 10forms = 300views,
which is not a practical and good idea.

So I want to create a single language resource xml file (contains the
headings and titles in different languages).
The view1.xsl will check the local language settings, load the appropriate
headings and titles from the external xml in to view1.xsl using xsl:param and
assign that to the display variables. With this approach i have to maintain
only 50views.

Now i would like to detect the local language settings using view1.xsl, so
that i can load appropriate external xml tags.
Is it possoble ? Or do you have anyother solution for this problem.
Thank you.


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