The Infopath FAQ (
) says You can create one form template with different views for each
language. Using the InfoPath OM (Application.LanguageSettings) you can detect
what the default language is on a user’s machine and switch to the
appropriate view for that language.
My question is: Is it possible to detect the default language settings using
Infopath view1.xsl (inside the stylesheet using xsl:value-of)?
Can the utilty namespaces inside View1.xsl like xdUtil,msxsl or xdDate have
such functions..
something like <xsl:value-of select="xdUtilefaultLang" /> ??
Is it possible ? Or is there anyother workaround for language localization?
Thank you.
) says You can create one form template with different views for each
language. Using the InfoPath OM (Application.LanguageSettings) you can detect
what the default language is on a user’s machine and switch to the
appropriate view for that language.
My question is: Is it possible to detect the default language settings using
Infopath view1.xsl (inside the stylesheet using xsl:value-of)?
Can the utilty namespaces inside View1.xsl like xdUtil,msxsl or xdDate have
such functions..
something like <xsl:value-of select="xdUtilefaultLang" /> ??
Is it possible ? Or is there anyother workaround for language localization?
Thank you.