Multiple line charts on the same graph


Dan Wasser

Let's say that I have 10 columns of data. Column A
represents "origination" dates and Column B
represents "total revenue" for those dates in Column A.
Column C represents other origination dates and Column D
represents total revenue for each of those dates in Column
C. Etc for Columns E/F, G/H, and I/J.
I know how to create a Line Graph for A/B. But how do I
create FIVE lines (graphs), each representing A/B, C/D,
E/F, G/H, and I/J, respectively, and all appearing on the
SAME chart? Thanks!

Gary Klass

Use a scatter XY chart with lines and setup your data like this (showing
3 trends):
Red White Blue
1 10
2 11
3 13
4 24
1 15
2 25
4 30
1 40
2 45
3 49

Dan said:
Let's say that I have 10 columns of data. Column A
represents "origination" dates and Column B
represents "total revenue" for those dates in Column A.
Column C represents other origination dates and Column D
represents total revenue for each of those dates in Column
C. Etc for Columns E/F, G/H, and I/J.
I know how to create a Line Graph for A/B. But how do I
create FIVE lines (graphs), each representing A/B, C/D,
E/F, G/H, and I/J, respectively, and all appearing on the
SAME chart? Thanks!

Gary Klass
(e-mail address removed)
Editor, PSRT-L
4600 Politics and Government
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois 61790
(309) 438-7852
(fax) 438-7638
The Chart of the Week: http://LILT.ILSTU.EDU/gmklass/cow

Tushar Mehta

[This followup was posted to microsoft.public.excel.charting with an
email copy to Dan Wasser.
Please use the newsgroup for further discussion.]

Create a chart for A+B.

Then, copy the C+D data. Select the chart, then Edit | Paste
Special... | In the resulting dialog box, ensure you check 'first
column contains category (X) values'.

Repeat for remaining combinations of E+F, etc.

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Tushar Mehta, MS MVP -- Excel
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