Stacey -
Made to order for your problem: Andrew Gabb's
Using Word 97 for Complex Documents
Andrew Gabb
(e-mail address removed)
29 January 2001
This excellent how-to can't be recommended highly enough for long,
complex documents, regardless of which version of Word you're using.
Below is the section about SEQ section numbering, TOC, etc. For the
rest, simply go to his website above. Enjoy.
Greg - Nice to see you back on the threads. - Bruce
3.3 Appendixes in the Same File - SEQ Section Numbering
While including complex appendixes in the same file may seem simple,
it is quite complicated. You should only attempt this if you are
experienced with creating and modifying Word fields.
3.3.1 Heading numbers
It is possible to adjust the Heading 1 style in the document so that
it shows numeric numbers for the body sections (1, 2, 3, etc.) and
alphabetic characters for appendix numbers (A, B, C etc.). The Chapter
method of page numbering (see section 4.2) works well under these
circumstances, and prefixes can be restricted only to the appendixes.
Unfortunately, such documents are extremely difficult to maintain,
particularly in adding additional sections in the document body,
because these sections no longer conform to the currently defined
Heading N style, and will appear as (e.g.) 'A.2.3' rather than '1.2.3'
when the style is applied. Generally, you are strongly advised against
using this method.
The main problem with having complex appendixes in the same file as
the document body is that the heading format of the appendixes is
different from headings in the body of the documents and hence Heading
1, 2, 3 won't work correctly (see section 2). You therefore need to
defined new styles for the appendix headings - I normally use App1,
App2, etc.
Word provides on-line help on this subject under 'troubleshooting
bullets and numbers'. Basically you create a new style App1, based on
Heading 1.
It appears as if this solves all your problems, but by introducing a
new style for headings, you create a whole new series of problems:
• Automatic chapter page numbering no longer works, because this
is based (only) on the Heading styles (see section 4.2).
• Figure and table captions can no longer be based on the
Heading 1 style, for the same reason.
There are a number of ways to work around this. The following assumes
that chapter page numbering is needed in the appendix and TOC (without
chapter page numbering, there are far fewer problems).
Because each appendix's page numbering starts at 1, each appendix
needs to be in a new Word section. Before the actual title of the
appendix, include a hidden SEQ field which establishes the appendix
number. (Although the App1 styles also contains the appendix number,
it really is necessary to have a SEQ field as well, as will be shown.)
The first SEQ field (for Appendix A) starts the numbering. Subsequent
SEQ fields increment the appendix number, providing automatic appendix
numbering if we wish to insert another appendix.
Examples of SEQ fields are shown below. To see the SEQ fields, change
your Word Options to include the viewing of hidden text. To see the
actual content of the SEQ fields, press Alt-F9. The SEQ number is here
called 'Snum'. For more about SEQ fields, see section 10.1.
Appendix A - First Appendix
Appendix B - Second Appendix
Note that the first SEQ field resets the value of Snum to 1 (the
switch '\r 1'), whereas the second simply increments the Snum value.
If you wish to use chapter page numbering for the chapters of the
document as well, you will also need similar hidden SEQ fields before
each chapter title, as follows. Note that these do not include the '\*
Alphabetic' switch, because chapter numbers are numeric (the default).
Appendix A - First Appendix
Appendix B - Second Appendix
3.3.2 Page numbers
Now you need to change your header or footer to use the appendix
number as a prefix. To do this you need to insert a SEQ field and the
page number. This looks like '{SEQ Snum \c \* ALPHABETIC \*
MERGEFORMAT}-{PAGE}' (but you need to use Insert /Field to actually
insert the field), and results in a page number of the form 'B-3'.
Note that you may need to do this only once, because each subsequent
appendix will be numbered correctly if you use the same header or
footer as the Word section before.
3.3.3 Figure and table captions
To include chapter numbering in your captions you need to insert a
STYLEREF field before the figure or table number, so while viewing
field codes (Alt-F9) the caption will look like this:
Table {STYLEREF App1 \s}-{SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1}
This puts the current appendix number (from style App1) before the
table number.
The first caption in any appendix must include the '\r 1' switch, to
reset numbering in that appendix. Note that this reset is not needed
in the body of the document where the standard Heading styles are used
(see section 5).
Warning: After doing this, whenever you want a new caption, always
copy a caption from another table or figure rather than use Insert
/Caption, which will reset all captions to their previous default.
While this can be repaired relatively easily using Replace, it is much
better to avoid the problem altogether.
3.3.4 Tables of contents
Having reached this far, you will find that the page numbers in your
TOCs for appendix sections and appendix figures and tables will not
include the appendix numbers. To correct this, you need to edit the
TOC fields so that they look something like the following:
{TOC \o "1-3" \t "App1,1,App2,2,App3,3" \s Snum}
All you need to do here is to add the switch '\s Snum' which results
in the appendix number (represented by the SEQ 'Snum' field) being
inserted before the page numbers. This has to be done manually because
the Insert /Index and Tables command does not allow you to set this
You will probably need to edit each TOC (e.g. main, figures and
tables) in this way.
Note that this will only work if the chapters use chapter page
numbering as well. If they don't, you will need to separate the TOC
for the body of the document from the TOC for the appendixes. The
first part will only include the Heading styles, and not include the
'/s Snum' switch. The second part will only include the App1, App2
styles, and includes the '/s Snum' switch. You will need to do this
for each TOC in your document.
For the figure and table TOCs, you will need to additionally change
the style of your captions in the appendixes to e.g. 'AppCaption', so
that they can be separated in the two parts of each TOC.