Multiple occurances of Word


Graham D

I launch Word from another program (non MS) eg using the winword.exe command and the relevant switches then open a template and run a macro. This all works fine if Word is not running but if Word is running I can get multiple occurances of Word. I tried inserting the code into the the template to use the existing word occurrance. This worked to a point in that the new occurance was closed and the old one used but the macro and template are also closed.

So how can I open up the existing occurance and open template then run a macro.

Thanks in advance for any help

Peter Hewett

Hi Graham D

Sorry to point out the obvious, but the program your launching Word from needs
to check yo see if Word is running before launching it. You can't launch Word
and expect the code in the template Word is using to do this.

HTH + Cheers - Peter

Graham D

I thought that that was the case wasn't sure if I was wrong or missing something obvious



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