Multiple Page Report with Different Orientations



In Access 2007, I need to create a report with different orientations. For
example, pages 1 and 2 print portrait, pages 3 and 4 landscape, pages 5 and 6
portrait, etc.

First, I set up different reports in the correct orientation. Then I added
these reports as subreports in a main report. The first problem I encountered
was that the main report has only one page orientation. I added page breaks
after each subreport but that caused a blank page between each page. I also
tried to use the DoCmd OpenReport followed by the printer.orientation command
and then DoCmd PrintOut with ranges. But, none of this is working. What am I
doing wrong?

I want to be able to press a button from a form to preview all pages of the
report (in the correct orientation), and then print the report.

How do I:
1. Set up the report(s)
2. Preview/print the report with the correct orientations

Thank you so much for your help!

John Spencer

You cannot do this in Access. You are limited to one orientation in a

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County


In Access 2007, I need to create a report with different orientations. For
example, pages 1 and 2 print portrait, pages 3 and 4 landscape, pages 5 and 6
portrait, etc.

First, I set up different reports in the correct orientation. Then I added
these reports as subreports in a main report. The first problem I encountered
was that the main report has only one page orientation. I added page breaks
after each subreport but that caused a blank page between each page. I also
tried to use the DoCmd OpenReport followed by the printer.orientation command
and then DoCmd PrintOut with ranges. But, none of this is working. What am I
doing wrong?

I want to be able to press a button from a form to preview all pages of the
report (in the correct orientation), and then print the report.

How do I:
1. Set up the report(s)
2. Preview/print the report with the correct orientations

Thank you so much for your help!

If you already have the individual sections as reports, Delete the report where
the individual reports are input as sub reports. Make a macro that pints the
individual reports one after the other in the desired sequence.


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