Multiple password prompts


Steve K

PC is running Windows 2000 Professional with Office Professional Edition 2003
Server is running Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (Trial Version) with Windows Sharepoint Services 200

Every time I open a Word document from the Sharepoint Site, I am requested for a user name and password. Upon
exiting Word, I am requested for a user name and password again. I have searched the Microsoft site and can not fin
a solution for this


Eric Lawrence [MSFT]

If you just close the Sharepoint based document without closing Word, are
you prompted for a password?


Eric Lawrence
Program Manager
Assistance and Worldwide Services

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Steve K said:
PC is running Windows 2000 Professional with Office Professional Edition 2003.
Server is running Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (Trial Version)
with Windows Sharepoint Services 2003
Every time I open a Word document from the Sharepoint Site, I am requested
for a user name and password. Upon
exiting Word, I am requested for a user name and password again. I have
searched the Microsoft site and can not find

Steve K

I am not prompted for a password when I close the document and leaving Word open. I also do not get a prompt for a
password if I go back to the Sharepoint Site and open the document again

----- Eric Lawrence [MSFT] wrote: ----

If you just close the Sharepoint based document without closing Word, ar
you prompted for a password


Eric Lawrenc
Program Manage
Assistance and Worldwide Service

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights

Steve K said:
PC is running Windows 2000 Professional with Office Professional Editio 2003
Server is running Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (Trial Version
with Windows Sharepoint Services 200for a user name and password. Upo
exiting Word, I am requested for a user name and password again. I hav
searched the Microsoft site and can not fin

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