multiple queries in one macro



Is there a way to have a macro that runs multiple (3 or 4)
queries consecutively? I would like it so I could just
click one control button and have the macro run all the
queries. Any help or direction anyone could give me would
be greatly appreciated as always. Thx and have a great
day. Mate.

Steve Schapel


This is no problem. You just need to put an OpenQuery action in the
macro for each of the queries. So if you have 4 queries, your macro
will have 4 OpenQuery actions, one for each query. After you are
certain you have them working correctly, you might want to put a
SetWarnings,No action on the macro before the first of the OpenQuery
actions, to suppress the display of the action query confirmation messages.



Is there a way to make sure that each query runs completely before starting the next query in the macro
I can run my queries directly ok but when I run it in the macro, the queries don't get the same results (null
because I think it is not completing on query before running the next. By the way, each of my queries depends o
the results of the previous query

Thanks in advance for any help

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