Multiple queries on one form


Graham R Seach

Check the online Help for queries involving the JOIN keyword. Then base the
form on the query.

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia



For part of our university course we have to develop an access database
for a CD library system. As part of this database we are trying to
acheive a system so that you enter a user ID at a prompt and then the
database displays a form showing personal information, current loans
and other information.

The problem we have is that the user information is stored in one table
(tblBorrowers) and the loans information in a seperate table (tblLoans)
is it possible to query both tables from one prompt.

We assume it's possible to do this using vb(access) and sql, but we're
not sure how!

Many Thanks,


Arvi Laanemets


Create a separate continous form based on tblLoans.
Set relations between tables
Create a non-contionous form based on tblBorrowers
In borrower's form design view, drag the loans form (from project window)
into borrowers form - it will be inserted as subform there. In subform are
always displayed loans for borrower, which is selected in borrowers form.
When you add a new loan, the user ID for selected borrower from borrowers
form is automatically inserted into new loan record.

Arvi Laanemets

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