Multiple records in a conitnous form



I need to manipulate, in code, a number of records selected/highlighted in a
continous form. I know how to manipulate the current record. Is it possible
to capture a reference to multiple records.

Allen Browne

SelTop gives you the first record in a selection.
SelHeight tells how many are selected.


Thanks again Allen. I can see how this might work, however as I've got to
get the user to do something to generate an event to run my code, the
selection will always disapear before the SelHeight is evaluated. Am I
missing something here?


Allen Browne

If the user clicks a command button, then use the selection will be lost as
the user focuses on the button.

A toolbar button would work, or a keyboard shortcut.
Or if it is a deletion the form's Delete event.


I can't seem to find your code for this on your website. I am also trying to
determine which records are selected on a continuous form (I can't use a list
box for several reasons). I want the user to press a command key to start the
process. I added an unbound check box to the form. However, if the user
checks any box, then all boxes are also checked.

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