Multiple records in one document



I currently have an access query which will produce a list
of managers and employees they manage. Sometimes a
manager may have one employee they manage or they may have
50. I would like to create a mail merge where I can send
ONE email to each manager and a list of their employees.
I use the manager's employee number as my field to email
the list to the correct manager. However I cannot get the
mail merge to work how I need it to. It either sends x
emails to the manager with x employees or sends one email
to the last person on the list with all the entries.

Is there some way I cen get the mail merge to read the
first column of my access query and then send a list of
all entires in that correspond to that manager?

I hope that makes sense... and feedback would be greatly

Doug Robbins

Far better to do the whole thing with a report in Access.

If you are a masochist however, see the "Multiple items per condition" item
under the "Special merges" section of fellow MVP CIndy Meister's website at

Please respond to the Newsgroup for the benefit of others who may be
interested. Questions sent directly to me will only be answered on a paid
consulting basis.

Hope this helps,
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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