multiple regression




I need to use linear regression to make a prediction using 3 independet
I went to tools->data analysis-->and chose "regression" in the pop-up window.
But, after I got a window for regression, I see only two text boxes to
insert independent variables though I uses 3 variables.

Does anybody know how I can get a data analysis tool which is used for more
than 2 independent valuables?

Tushar Mehta

Actually, there is only one box for the independent variables.

To specify multiple independent variables simply specify the larger
range. For example, if the values for the three indepdendent variables
are in A2:C23, specify that as the range for the 'Input X Range'.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions


Thank you for your quick response! I appreciate!!

But, I still see two boxes in the window.
I also tried to specify two columns for a box, but it does not accept
several range and said to select a single row.
I think I'm using something different from what you taught me.

Could you tell me how did you get the window which has the only one box for
the independent variables?

Best regards,

Tushar Mehta

If you use the Regression tool of the Data Analysis ToolPak (Tools |
Data Analysis... | select Regression in first dialog box), the first
field is labeled 'Input Y Range' and the 2nd field is labeled 'Input X
Range'. The 1st field is for the dependent Y values, the 2nd field for
independent variables values.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions


I got it!
I was confused with the boxes for the independent variables and the
dependent variables.
Finally I got the output summary.
Thank you for your kind assistance! Appreciated!!!

Best regards,

Tushar Mehta

You are welcome.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

I got it!
I was confused with the boxes for the independent variables and the
dependent variables.
Finally I got the output summary.
Thank you for your kind assistance! Appreciated!!!

Best regards,

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