Sorry for the slow answer; real life intruded.
Anyway, I've interspersed some comments with your description. They're
kind of hasty (I have to leave soon), but I hope they help some.
Lappalainen said:
Hi again,
sorry, my mistake on the poor explanation ;-)
What I did, was to create a table, and 2 lookup tables. I linked these 2
lookup tables to master table, an to each other, so that in the lookup table
where the "subgroup" entries are taken, there is also another column which
is linked to the "group" contents.
I usually define a Query, instead of using an existing Table, to do my
lookups for foreign keys, but if your Tables have the primary key as
their 1st field and the verbal explanation as the 2nd field, my system
will work with a Table, too. (But a Query would be more flexible, allow
you to abbreviate, to combine multiple fields, &c.)
A better look at the tables:
Table "hardware"
Running number Group Subgroup
------------------ --------- ----------
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx
table lookup_group:
ID Definition
--- ----------
1 Computer
2 Network Equipment
3 Telephone
Is this the best possible name for your Table? I think you want the
names to be suggestive of what they contain (such as [Equipment
Group])... but for my example, I'm using your names.
table lookup_subgroup
ID Definition Link (by a lookup query to
--- ---------- ---------------
1 Laptop Computer
2 Desktop Computer
3 Hub Network Equipment
4 Switch Network Equipment
5 Deskphone Telephone
6 Mobilephone Telephone
So the link is there.
Actually, as jahoobob pointed out, you have EXTRA links that allow
inconsistency. In [hardware], you could specify in record 1 a
[Lookup_groupID] of "Telephone" and a [Lookup_subgroupID] of "Hub". I
assume that that isn't what you want. I recommend zapping the
[Hardware].[Lookup_groupID] field, and I have done that in my examples
The problem is, that when I set the lookup in table
"hardware", column "group", to get it's data from table "lookup_group", and
column "subgroup" to take data from table "lookup_subgroup", I dont seem to
be able to modify the guery so, that I can read the selected value of column
"group" and use it as ?
When making SQL query (to rowsource property), I cannot find how to
reference to "" (dont take this
I think that I must first make a rowsource query which reads all entries
from lookup_subgroup, and then find a way to read the value from column
"group" and use it as a filter. But how? What should I write to the filter
property of column "subgroup"? Or can it be referenced with SQL? what would
the right reference format be?
Hope this clarifies a bit ;-)
OK, here's what I did. For each primary key (1st field in each record,
unique value used only for lookup), I set the type to Autonumber, random
values (to make it obvious that they have no other use).
How I set up each foreign key (a field containing some other Table's
primary key value, used to link the records), for example for the
[Lookup_groupID] foreign key in the [Lookup_subgroup] Table, is to open
the looking-up Table ([Lookup_subgroup] in this case) in Table Design
View, select the [Lookup_groupID] foreign key field, and select the
Lookup tab. I change its default properties to be these:
Display Control List Box
Row Source Lookup_group
Column Count 2
Column Widths 0;1
Notice that the Row Source is the name of the Table, not of its
primary-key field.
Primary keys you leave alone (Access won't let you define lookups on
them anyway); I usually hide them in Table Datasheet View because they
aren't normally meaningful to a human being. I intentionally set my
Autonumber type to "random" for these to emphasize that. (But it is
possible to use some meaningful unique number, such as an equipment
serial number, as your Primary Key, in which case you would want to keep
it visible. One disadvantage is, that if you later discover a typo in
it, you have to reconstruct the entire record, not just that field, and
redo all the links from other Tables to that record. It's kind of a
pain to do that, so I prefer to use Autonumbers for my primary keys.)
Here's how I would set up your Tables, and they will look like this in
Table Datasheet View if you set up your lookups as I did:
Lookup_groupID Definition
-------------- ---------------
-1021991833 Telephone
-251255343 Computer
55471038 Network Equipment
Lookup_subgr Definition Lookup_groupID
------------ ---------- ----------------
-1905861395 Desktop Computer
-1893064477 Switch Network Equipment
-858668118 Hub Network Equipment
-744612407 Mobilephone Telephone
229882344 Deskphone Telephone
323121180 Laptop Computer
HardwareID Running Lookup_subgroupID
----------- ------- --------------
-2033331626 20 Hub
-1523481662 4 Mobilephone
-1313471387 10 Desktop
-15755148 7 Desktop
78069023 3 Switch
747926811 0 Laptop
As I said, I'd normally hide the first field.
Having done this, you can easily add Subdatasheets to the first 2
Tables, and not bother with Combo Boxes at all.
-- Vincent Johns <
[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.