Multiple row



I have a data like following

Power Qty
+0.25 20
+0.50 30
+0.75 40
+1.00 10
+1.25 15
+1.50 17

I want to insert data for each power not exceeding the total quantity of 10
and for each group of 10 quantities; I want to give a number like 1,2,3,4

Like This:

Power Qty Number
+0.25 10 1
+0.25 10 2
+0.50 10 3
+0.50 10 4
+0.50 10 5
+0.75 10 6
+0.75 10 7
+0.75 10 8
+0.75 10 9
+1.00 10 10
+1.25 10 11
+1.25 5 12
+1.50 5 12
+1.50 10 13
+1.50 2 14

Please help.


Not very sure, but maybe you want something like this:

Assume this is in cols A and B, data from row2 down
Power Qty
+0.25 20
+0.50 30
+0.75 40

Put in C2: =IF(D2="","",COUNTIF($D$2:D2,"x"))
Put in D2: =IF(B2="","",IF(B2<=10,"x",""))
Select C2:D2, copy down as far as required

Col C will return the required sequential numbering

Is the above what you're after ?


Max said:
I had presumed the duplicate numbering below
was a typo in your post:

xl 97
Singapore, GMT+8

No, it doesn't work.

I actually want to insert multiple row from a single row automatically
against a given row with a criterial not greater than 15 or any number and
after every group of 15; I want to assign a number like 1,2,3 automatically.

For eg:
Power Qty Power Qty No
+0.25 35 +0.25 10 1
+0.50 12 +0.25 10 2
+0.25 10 3
+0.25 5 4
+0.50 5 4
+0.50 7 5
And so on.

help me


No, it doesn't work...

Thanks for feedback. Guess the suggestion wasn't what you wanted. I'm out of
ideas here. Hang around awhile for possible views from others. Good luck !

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