Multiple rulers


Tim Jarrett

I think it would be a great idea if Word displayed two horizontal rulers, one
above the other. The topmost one would show absolute page measurements from
the left margin of the page, while the lower one would show relative
measurements relative to the left margin of the current paragraph. I for one
would find this extremely useful as the current ruler only show measurements
relative to the current paragraph margin and I very often need to know where
I am relative to the page margin.

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Suzanne S. Barnhill

Either your copy of Word is different from mine, or you've misstated what
you're seeing, or you've misunderstood it. Word's ruler (in any view)
measures from the left margin. Paragraph indents are shown by the indent
marker, but the ruler markings don't change. Perhaps you are wanting a ruler
that shows measurements from the edge of the page rather than the left
margin? I agree this would be helpful, but I'd rather have a toggle than
have two rulers.

Tim Jarrett

The problem comes when you're using a table and you drag the whole table
left, right, up or down the page. In this case the whole ruler changes -
zero stays with the leftmost edge of the table, so you cannot tell where on
the page the left edge of the table lies. It would be better maybe if the
ruler stayed locked to the edge of the page. The same thing happens with the
vertical ruler as well.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I have no problem seeing either the edge of the page or the page margins in
Print Layout view because I have "Text boundaries" enabled. And I don't drag
tables because that makes them wrapped, which I don't want.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Tim,

If you move your cursor over any column or row border in a table, so that you get the 'double arrow' ('drag this to resize') cursor,
then click there while holding the alt key, the ruler should show you the distance from the left edge of the page to the start of
the left table border or top table border depending on your choice of selecting a horizontal or vertical border.

The problem comes when you're using a table and you drag the whole table
left, right, up or down the page. In this case the whole ruler changes -
zero stays with the leftmost edge of the table, so you cannot tell where on
the page the left edge of the table lies. It would be better maybe if the
ruler stayed locked to the edge of the page. The same thing happens with the
vertical ruler as well. <<

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Tim Jarrett

Thanks for that, I didn't realise you could do that. That's useful, but I'd
still prefer to see a ruler fixed to the page margin. :)

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