Multiple section for one answer



my raw data:
Location Date Score Goal
Michigan 1 Jan 83.22 87.00
Illinois 1 Jan 93.44 87.00
New York 5 Jan 78.11 87.00
Michigan 3 Jan 85.17 87.00
Illinois 2 Jan 79.44 87.00

I want my results to show in the blank field for example 1 Jan under
Michigan, it will show as 83.22, Illinois as 93.44 and New York as (empty).
And Michigan is coloured Red since it is below goal of 87.00
Michigan Illinois New York
1 Jan ________ _______ _________

Appreciate your help and expertise!

Jacob Skaria

With data arranged as below apply the formula in cell B2 and copy to the
right as required..The raw data is in Sheet1


ColA ColB ColC ColD
Michigan Illinois New York
1-Jan 83.22 93.44 0


Jacob! my apology. I must have entered it wrongly. It works! thank you very
much for the expertise help

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