Multiple selection from customized values


Jiri Khun

I need to set up some characteristics to our resources. Could you help me

We have app. 70 developers. In a company, there were 30 projects realized.
Developer A worked on projects 1,2,3,4,5.
Developer B worked on projects 1,3,4,5,9.
Developer F worked on projects 3,4,5,7,9.

I need to setup a structure of some customized fields (???) and after that I
need to have a possibility to look e.g. to the Developer B and I need to see
that he worked on project.....

It is similar e.g. with their skills. I know there are several skills (JDBC,
JSP, XML,J2ME, CORBA, EJB, SQL,....). I need to have a possibility to write:
Developer A has these skills (JDBC, JSP, XML), Developer B has these skills
Later I want to find an employee that has experience from project 1 and has
following skills JDBC, JSP).

Does anyone know, how to setup this attributes and later to have a
possibility of multiple choices?

Thank you very much!!!!

Dale Howard [MVP]

Jiri --

Enterprise Resource outline codes 20-29 are multi-value (MV) fields, and you
could use one of these to track the Skills of each resource. There is no MV
functionality in enterprise Project outline codes, however. Sorry.

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