Multiple selection list box



I am trying to populate the different columns, with different vales;
following script is not doing what I need to do. Can some one help me? Thanks

Dim frm As Form, ctl As ListBox
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strSQL1 As String
Dim db As DAO.Database

Set db = CurrentDb
Set frm = Forms!CreateComplianceReport
Set ctl = frm!ASQARep

'Assuming long [EmpID] is the bound field in lb
'enumerate selected items and
'concatenate to strSQL
If ctl.MultiSelect > 0 Then
If ctl.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
For Each varItem In ctl.ItemsSelected
strSQL = "INSERT INTO ComplianceReport (ASQARep1,ASQARep2) VALUES ('" &
ctl.Column(ASQARep1, varItem) & "','" & ctl.Column(ASQARep2, varItem) & "');"

db.Execute strSQL

Next varItem

End If
End If

Set ctl = Nothing
Set frm = Nothing
Set db = Nothing


According to Help (A2K):

"You can use the Column property to refer to a specific column, or column and
row combination, in a multiple-column combo box or list box. Use 0 to refer to
the first column, 1 to refer to the second column, and so on. Use 0 to refer to
the first row, 1 to refer to the second row, and so on."

In "control.Column(column, row)", the column and the row must be integers.

If ASQARep1 is the second column in the list box and ASQARep2 is the third
column in the list box, strSQL would look like this:

(remember zero based columns)

strSQL = "INSERT INTO ComplianceReport (ASQARep1,ASQARep2) VALUES ('" &
ctl.Column(1, varItem) & "','" & ctl.Column(2, varItem) & "');"

Steve S.


Steve S.
Here what I am trying to do. It just want to populate the the different
table with the selected values. The first selected value should go to the
first column and the second selected value should go to the second column in
the different table....

SteveS said:
According to Help (A2K):

"You can use the Column property to refer to a specific column, or column and
row combination, in a multiple-column combo box or list box. Use 0 to refer to
the first column, 1 to refer to the second column, and so on. Use 0 to refer to
the first row, 1 to refer to the second row, and so on."

In "control.Column(column, row)", the column and the row must be integers.

If ASQARep1 is the second column in the list box and ASQARep2 is the third
column in the list box, strSQL would look like this:

(remember zero based columns)

strSQL = "INSERT INTO ComplianceReport (ASQARep1,ASQARep2) VALUES ('" &
ctl.Column(1, varItem) & "','" & ctl.Column(2, varItem) & "');"

Steve S.
"Veni, Vidi, Velcro"
(I came, I saw, I stuck around.)
I am trying to populate the different columns, with different vales;
following script is not doing what I need to do. Can some one help me? Thanks

Dim frm As Form, ctl As ListBox
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strSQL1 As String
Dim db As DAO.Database

Set db = CurrentDb
Set frm = Forms!CreateComplianceReport
Set ctl = frm!ASQARep

'Assuming long [EmpID] is the bound field in lb
'enumerate selected items and
'concatenate to strSQL
If ctl.MultiSelect > 0 Then
If ctl.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
For Each varItem In ctl.ItemsSelected
strSQL = "INSERT INTO ComplianceReport (ASQARep1,ASQARep2) VALUES ('" &
ctl.Column(ASQARep1, varItem) & "','" & ctl.Column(ASQARep2, varItem) & "');"

db.Execute strSQL

Next varItem

End If
End If

Set ctl = Nothing
Set frm = Nothing
Set db = Nothing



You can't use the SQL statement:

strSQL = "INSERT INTO ComplianceReport (ASQARep1,ASQARep2) VALUES ('" &
ctl.Column(ASQARep1, varItem) & "','" & ctl.Column(ASQARep2, varItem) & "');

because in "ctl.Column(Column,row)" column & row have to be INTEGERS.
You need to use:

strSQL = "INSERT INTO ComplianceReport (ASQARep1,ASQARep2) VALUES ('" &
ctl.Column(1, varItem) & "','" & ctl.Column(2, varItem) & "');"
^^^ ^^^

provided that "ComplianceReport" is the table name and "ASQARep1" & "ASQARep2"
are field names in the table.

Steve S.
"Veni, Vidi, Velcro"
(I came, I saw, I stuck around.)

Steve S.
Here what I am trying to do. It just want to populate the the different
table with the selected values. The first selected value should go to the
first column and the second selected value should go to the second column in
the different table....


According to Help (A2K):

"You can use the Column property to refer to a specific column, or column and
row combination, in a multiple-column combo box or list box. Use 0 to refer to
the first column, 1 to refer to the second column, and so on. Use 0 to refer to
the first row, 1 to refer to the second row, and so on."

In "control.Column(column, row)", the column and the row must be integers.

If ASQARep1 is the second column in the list box and ASQARep2 is the third
column in the list box, strSQL would look like this:

(remember zero based columns)

strSQL = "INSERT INTO ComplianceReport (ASQARep1,ASQARep2) VALUES ('" &
ctl.Column(1, varItem) & "','" & ctl.Column(2, varItem) & "');"

Steve S.
"Veni, Vidi, Velcro"
(I came, I saw, I stuck around.)
I am trying to populate the different columns, with different vales;
following script is not doing what I need to do. Can some one help me? Thanks

Dim frm As Form, ctl As ListBox
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strSQL1 As String
Dim db As DAO.Database

Set db = CurrentDb
Set frm = Forms!CreateComplianceReport
Set ctl = frm!ASQARep

'Assuming long [EmpID] is the bound field in lb
'enumerate selected items and
'concatenate to strSQL
If ctl.MultiSelect > 0 Then
If ctl.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
For Each varItem In ctl.ItemsSelected
strSQL = "INSERT INTO ComplianceReport (ASQARep1,ASQARep2) VALUES ('" &
ctl.Column(ASQARep1, varItem) & "','" & ctl.Column(ASQARep2, varItem) & "');"

db.Execute strSQL

Next varItem

End If
End If

Set ctl = Nothing
Set frm = Nothing
Set db = Nothing


is there any way i can resolve this problem?

pkihou said:
Steve S.
Here what I am trying to do. It just want to populate the the different
table with the selected values. The first selected value should go to the
first column and the second selected value should go to the second column in
the different table....

SteveS said:
According to Help (A2K):

"You can use the Column property to refer to a specific column, or column and
row combination, in a multiple-column combo box or list box. Use 0 to refer to
the first column, 1 to refer to the second column, and so on. Use 0 to refer to
the first row, 1 to refer to the second row, and so on."

In "control.Column(column, row)", the column and the row must be integers.

If ASQARep1 is the second column in the list box and ASQARep2 is the third
column in the list box, strSQL would look like this:

(remember zero based columns)

strSQL = "INSERT INTO ComplianceReport (ASQARep1,ASQARep2) VALUES ('" &
ctl.Column(1, varItem) & "','" & ctl.Column(2, varItem) & "');"

Steve S.
"Veni, Vidi, Velcro"
(I came, I saw, I stuck around.)
I am trying to populate the different columns, with different vales;
following script is not doing what I need to do. Can some one help me? Thanks

Dim frm As Form, ctl As ListBox
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strSQL1 As String
Dim db As DAO.Database

Set db = CurrentDb
Set frm = Forms!CreateComplianceReport
Set ctl = frm!ASQARep

'Assuming long [EmpID] is the bound field in lb
'enumerate selected items and
'concatenate to strSQL
If ctl.MultiSelect > 0 Then
If ctl.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
For Each varItem In ctl.ItemsSelected
strSQL = "INSERT INTO ComplianceReport (ASQARep1,ASQARep2) VALUES ('" &
ctl.Column(ASQARep1, varItem) & "','" & ctl.Column(ASQARep2, varItem) & "');"

db.Execute strSQL

Next varItem

End If
End If

Set ctl = Nothing
Set frm = Nothing
Set db = Nothing


Did you try the modified SQL I suggested?

strSQL = "INSERT INTO ComplianceReport (ASQARep1,ASQARep2) VALUES ('" &
ctl.Column(1, varItem) & "','" & ctl.Column(2, varItem) & "');"

Each time you execute the above statement, there will be a new record inserted
into table "ComplianceReport". The field named "ASQARep1" will have the value
(string) from the selected row, column 1 of the listbox and "ASQARep2" will
have the value (string) from the selected row, column 2 of the listbox.

What happened when you executed the SQL?

Steve S.
"Veni, Vidi, Velcro"
(I came, I saw, I stuck around.)
is there any way i can resolve this problem?


Steve S.
Here what I am trying to do. It just want to populate the the different
table with the selected values. The first selected value should go to the
first column and the second selected value should go to the second column in
the different table....


According to Help (A2K):

"You can use the Column property to refer to a specific column, or column and
row combination, in a multiple-column combo box or list box. Use 0 to refer to
the first column, 1 to refer to the second column, and so on. Use 0 to refer to
the first row, 1 to refer to the second row, and so on."

In "control.Column(column, row)", the column and the row must be integers.

If ASQARep1 is the second column in the list box and ASQARep2 is the third
column in the list box, strSQL would look like this:

(remember zero based columns)

strSQL = "INSERT INTO ComplianceReport (ASQARep1,ASQARep2) VALUES ('" &
ctl.Column(1, varItem) & "','" & ctl.Column(2, varItem) & "');"

Steve S.
"Veni, Vidi, Velcro"
(I came, I saw, I stuck around.)

pkihou wrote:

I am trying to populate the different columns, with different vales;
following script is not doing what I need to do. Can some one help me? Thanks

Dim frm As Form, ctl As ListBox
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strSQL1 As String
Dim db As DAO.Database

Set db = CurrentDb
Set frm = Forms!CreateComplianceReport
Set ctl = frm!ASQARep

'Assuming long [EmpID] is the bound field in lb
'enumerate selected items and
'concatenate to strSQL
If ctl.MultiSelect > 0 Then
If ctl.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
For Each varItem In ctl.ItemsSelected
strSQL = "INSERT INTO ComplianceReport (ASQARep1,ASQARep2) VALUES ('" &
ctl.Column(ASQARep1, varItem) & "','" & ctl.Column(ASQARep2, varItem) & "');"

db.Execute strSQL

Next varItem

End If
End If

Set ctl = Nothing
Set frm = Nothing
Set db = Nothing


AUTO-REPLY From George Levitt

Please allow this to confirm a system receipt of your e-mail.

I am out of the office until Wednesday morning (1/12/05) and will not be
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I look forward to replying to your message on Wednesday.

Thanks and warmest regards, George


AUTO-REPLY From George Levitt

Please allow this to confirm a system receipt of your e-mail.

I am out of the office until Wednesday morning (1/12/05) and will not be
reviewing or responding to email or voicemail until that time.

I look forward to replying to your message on Wednesday.

Thanks and warmest regards, George


AUTO-REPLY From George Levitt

Please allow this to confirm a system receipt of your e-mail.

I am out of the office until Wednesday morning (1/12/05) and will not be
reviewing or responding to email or voicemail until that time.

I look forward to replying to your message on Wednesday.

Thanks and warmest regards, George


AUTO-REPLY From George Levitt

Please allow this to confirm a system receipt of your e-mail.

I am out of the office until Wednesday morning (1/12/05) and will not be
reviewing or responding to email or voicemail until that time.

I look forward to replying to your message on Wednesday.

Thanks and warmest regards, George

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