Multiple selections from forms



I have searched through many responses to what appears to be my query, but
still cannot find a suitable solution.

I am trying to create a database to consolidate standard risk assessments
and generate a report based on some simple input from the user.

I have the following simple tables

Activities can have many tasks, tasks can have many hazards, hazards can
have many effects and effects can have variable severity ratings.

I have tried to concentrate on just sorting Activities and Tasks for now and
have created a Junction table (Activity_Task) to give a many to many
relationship and a form/subform to enter data using a combo box. My question
is how to select many tasks for 1 activity at the same time and put them in
the juntion table without having to use the drop down combo 1 line at a time.
The feature in Access 2007 for multiple selections looks great ( Yes I know
it's bad), but then I can't subsequently add many Hazards for each Task so I
want to do it the traditional way using tables.

Any ideas gratefully received.

Philip Herlihy

TP said:
I have searched through many responses to what appears to be my query, but
still cannot find a suitable solution.

I am trying to create a database to consolidate standard risk assessments
and generate a report based on some simple input from the user.

I have the following simple tables

Activities can have many tasks, tasks can have many hazards, hazards can
have many effects and effects can have variable severity ratings.

I have tried to concentrate on just sorting Activities and Tasks for now and
have created a Junction table (Activity_Task) to give a many to many
relationship and a form/subform to enter data using a combo box. My question
is how to select many tasks for 1 activity at the same time and put them in
the juntion table without having to use the drop down combo 1 line at a time.
The feature in Access 2007 for multiple selections looks great ( Yes I know
it's bad), but then I can't subsequently add many Hazards for each Task so I
want to do it the traditional way using tables.

Any ideas gratefully received.

I wonder if you could use a List box instead of a combo? That has the
capability of using shift-click or control-click to make multiple
simultaneous selections.

Phil, London

Philip Herlihy

Philip said:
I wonder if you could use a List box instead of a combo? That has the
capability of using shift-click or control-click to make multiple
simultaneous selections.

Phil, London

PS - you have to set the appropriate property to allow this.



For each of these -
do you have a predefined list for them?
If so, then it seems to me you need an Incident table with one-to-many
relation to Incident_Activity table using a form/subform with combo box to
select Activity.
Then a subform for one-to-many Activity - Task having foreign key field
related to Incident_Activity table on Activity.

A hazard can have multiple effects but for a single incident the efect of a
hazard can have only one severity rating.


to Karl,

Thank you for your prompt response.
Each table other than severity (fixed list 1 -5 but still in a table) does
not have a predefined list and must be able to be added to and updated i.e.
Tasks and Activities will continually be added and refined. Severity although
as you say will only have a single rating for a particular activity, may well
change for a different Activity or situation and so needs to be defined at
run time by the person generating the Safety document (report)

The table/subform I have working perfectly well for data entry, however by
using a combo box I have to select each task associated with a single
activity, a single line at a time. I would prefer to have a varaible list
based on tblTasks to allow me to select all the relevant tasks (which may be
quite a lot) in a simple operation by highlighting or ticking a check box,
which is why A2007 feature is attractive. I can create a list box to
highlight several values from a table at the same time, but I am unsure how
to save the multiple selections to a separate table in their own separate
field. They need to be in separate fields because I then need to cascade that
process down (i.e. the Tasks previously selected for each Activity will each
then have multiple Effects associated with them and so on) I have achieved
what I need using A2007 but cannot then do the cascaded process further down,
probably because I can't get at the actual data fields where the selections
are held.


does not have a predefined list and must be able to be added to and updated
The combo using query instead of predetermined list will be constantly
Worng, what you are describing is a spreadsheet. They need to be saved to
individual records.

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