Multiple Selections Using Dynamic Lists



I have the following scenario:
I have a request for bid on a construction job that could have many
customers bidding.

My customer list is:

Column A - Mangolian Steel (Source is CustomerList)
Column B - Jeff Ransom
Column C - Mangolian Steel-Jeff Ransom
(I need to be able to get multiple selections of the cocantenated customer
in column C)

Please help


Hi, u need C1 showing Mangolian Steel-Jeff Ransom when A1 reads Mangolian
Steel and B1 reads Jeff Ransom?
Insert in C1: =A1&"-"&B1
another option: =concatenate(A1,"-",B1)


I have the concatenation part down. What I need is to be able to select
multiple customers-contacts for cell C1.

I have been unable to locate any code that could perform this task.


Sorry, I don't understand.

Avery said:
I have the concatenation part down. What I need is to be able to select
multiple customers-contacts for cell C1.

I have been unable to locate any code that could perform this task.


I have a bid list that has multiple customers quoting each bid. Each customer
may also have a different engineer/contact in charge of that, I need
to be able to select the customer from a drop down, and select the contact
from the dependent drop down, and populate the concatenated customer-contact
in the next column, but my problem occurs with the need to have more than one
customer contact on any given bid.

Select: Select:
Customers(ex) Contacts(List only shows related Contacts for
Selected Cust.)

Mangolian Steel Jeff Ransom
Flax Steel Molly Marks
Japan Steel Si Maku

I need to be able to select multiple customers and contacts per instance.


Still not sure if I unerstand u correctly, anyway, let me try.
Use data validation. Create lists. Major list will be company list. For each
company create dependent list of contacts. Label all lists. I do it in simple
way here:
CompanyList = companyX, companyY, companyZ
dependent lists:
CompanyX = contactA, contactB, contactC
CompanyY = contactK, contactL
CompanyZ = contactF, contactU

Apply data validation to column A, as a validation list use CompanyList.
Apply data validation to column B, inserting indirect formula to source box.

For exampe, for cell B2 I insert in the source box: =indirect(A2).
This will direct the selection to the particular company list.

If in A2 I select company Y, then in B2 my selection may be contactK or



This part I already have, but I need to be able to select multiple
customers-contacts per instance.


.. need to be able to select multiple customers-contacts per instance

Try Debra Dalgleish's sample file at:

Under Data Validation,
look for: DV0017 - Select Multiple Items from Dropdown List

It's a very informative sample
where several techniques are illustrated in different tabs

Since you want the "multi-selected" subjects to be ... all listed in a cell?,
viz your line:
.. to be able to select multiple customers-contacts for cell C1

then a close fit might be Debra's example in her tab:

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