Multiple Send/Receive Processes


GoodmanCPA-IT Tech

My boss sends and receives a lot of e-mails, and was advised by HP/Compaq
that he should switch from using OE to Outlook. Ever since he started using
it, he's had nothing but problems, ranging from emails not being sent to
multiple copies of them.

Basically, what's happening is that in the S/R dialog box, even though
there's only one email account set up (POP3/SMTP), there are multiple
instances of the S/R process happening at the same time. This appears to be
causing neither process to succeed, and a 0x800CCC0B time-out error to occur.

The only option I currently haven't tried is disabling the outbound-email
virus scanning, but I'm rather loathe to do that as my boss is very
security-paranoid. I've tried:

-copying e-mail profiles
-copying S/R groups
-reparing profiles and groups both

Honestly, is there any way just to get rid of the whole "All Accounts" and
S/R group in general and just have one e-mail address, or is this as easy as
it gets and I recommend switching e-mail clients?

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