Multiple Stacked Columns (need secondary y-axis values too)


Ross M

I read the message on here that details how to make multiple stacked

However, I need to make multiple stacked columns where one columns
values are in the 7000 to 10000 range combined and the other stacked
columns value will be under 100-200 combined.

How do I create a chart where I can have one of the stacked columns
plot against a secondary Y-axis without screwing up the spacing of the
primary x-axis.

Thanks in advance,


Ross M

I just figured it out and thought I would post so others could do i

Follow the instructions for doing multiple stacked columns as outline
at this web page:

Move the columns you need on the other axis back to primary axis.

Then insert cells where you entered the values for the original X-axi
labels and y-axis values and move current cells to the right. It too
me adding 2 more cells on each row to space the axis labels correctly.

Then select a data series that is on the primary axis select chart typ
and select a stacked column. Next select format data series go t
options and set gap width to 0.

I hope this helps someone else too

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