Subtotals in my worksheet are not dropping in the correct order:
territory # product # $$$
100 40 5
100 40 5
100 50 20
First I subtotal product number, totals of prod.# 40 is 10 and 50, 20. when
I subtotal again to get a total of territory, prod # 50 goes below the
territory subtotal, but the line it is subtotalling is still above & included
in the territory total.
territory # product # $$$
100 40 5
100 40 5
100 50 20
First I subtotal product number, totals of prod.# 40 is 10 and 50, 20. when
I subtotal again to get a total of territory, prod # 50 goes below the
territory subtotal, but the line it is subtotalling is still above & included
in the territory total.