SELECT [AR Aging Percentages Query].[Billins Address Subgroup], [AR Aging
Percentages Query].[Commercial/Blue], [AR Aging Percentages
Query].[Contracted/Non Contracted], [AR Aging Percentages Query].Date AS [AR
Aging Percentages Query_Date], [AR Aging Percentages Query].[Full Denial as a
% of A/R], [AR Aging Percentages Query].[A/R balance 0-90 Days], [AR Aging
Percentages Query].[AR Balance 0-120 Days], [AR Aging Percentages Query].[AR
Balance 0-181 Days], [AR Aging Percentages Query].[A/R Balance > 181 Days],
[Payments to Charges Query].[Payments to Charges Ratio], [Days Billed
Outstanding].[Days Billed Outstanding]
FROM (([Payer Table] LEFT JOIN [Payments to Charges Query] ON [Payer
Table].[Billins Address Subgroup] = [Payments to Charges Query].[Billins
Address Subgroup]) LEFT JOIN [AR Aging Percentages Query] ON [Payer
Table].[Billins Address Subgroup] = [AR Aging Percentages Query].[Billins
Address Subgroup]) LEFT JOIN [Days Billed Outstanding] ON [Payer
Table].[Billins Address Subgroup] = [Days Billed Outstanding].[Billins
Address Subgroup];
Billins Address Subgroup Commercial/Blue Contracted/Non Contracted AR Aging
Percentages Query_Date Full Denial as a % of A/R A/R balance 0-90 Days AR
Balance 0-120 Days AR Balance 0-181 Days A/R Balance > 181 Days Payments to
Charges Ratio Days Billed Outstanding
TN Blue Non-Contracted Sep-05 53.69% 54.99% 62.27% 76.84% 23.16% 73.13% 143
TN Blue Non-Contracted Oct-05 56.52% 47.70% 57.99% 70.16% 29.84% 73.13% 143
TN Blue Non-Contracted Sep-05 53.69% 54.99% 62.27% 76.84% 23.16% 79.14% 143
TN Blue Non-Contracted Oct-05 56.52% 47.70% 57.99% 70.16% 29.84% 79.14% 143
This doesn't look pretty but the problem is that the last two entries,
Payments to charges ratio and days billed outstanding are not linking with
the date field in the Payer Profile table. It is duplicating the entries in
each month. In this instance, there are two months of data in the payer
profile, there is an entry for each month in the Payments to Charges Ratio (
Sept is 73% Oct is 79%) but there is only one month in the days billed
outstanding field(Oct is 143) . It is pulling the numbers in for each month
whether is corresponds with the correct month or not. I was wondering if I
could join the date fields somehow or do I need to set up my tables
different? Each table has a date field with the format mmm-yy.
John Vinson said:
No, I don't - because I cannot see your table structure or your query
or the results you are seeing.
You can see your computer. I cannot. You're doing something wrong in
the query, but I don't know what the query IS because I cannot see it.
Please open the query in SQL view and copy and paste it to a message
here. Also give an example of what's in the table, and what you're
seeing that is not "linking up".
John W. Vinson[MVP]