Multiple template parts and data binding


george k

Apologies if this is too basic a question....i'm totally new to infopath.
I'm trying to create a template part for a questionnaire.
I have an excel file with a number of questions. I want to create a
questionnaire with a series of option boxes for each question. However i will
have to create many more of these questionnaires in the future and so was
looking for a method that is re-usable.
I'm thinking of creating an xml file with all the questions in it with a
field for the answer. Then i'd like my template part to have a read-only
textbox which reads in the question and 6 option boxes each assigned with a
numerical value. The problem i'm having, is how can i design my template part
so that each times its added to the template, it steps through the
questions....i'm struggling to describe what i want to do properly so
apologies if this makes no sense!


George, I'm working on a similar problem. I'll put out a post if I think I
have something that will work. Did you find any examples on the web?

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