Multiple Templates & populate same info on each new document & Pri

  • Thread starter Jeffery B Paarsa
  • Start date

Jeffery B Paarsa


I have a few Word Templates that when each one is opened it takes the user
to a multiple pages of user forms to collect information from the user. Now
I want to use the same Templates in a single documents by suppressing the
NewAuto macro from execution and only populate the minimum amount of
information that I have collected from a single page of User form "say 2
fields of First name and Last name only" and populate these two fields that
are defined on each one of these Templates into each document and print that
document with just those two fields that I have collected and leave the rest
of the fields blank and go to do the same thing on the next Template new

I assume that on the first New Template I need to collect these two fields
thru a user form then use these two fields open each Template as a new
document while suppressing the NewAuto macro populate these two collected
fields into corresponding fields then print and close the document and open
the next Template as new document and ….

I think I need a new module Macro to do this for each Template and somehow
execute that new macro for that Template new document to do all I want to do.

How am I going to open each Template with what kind of switches and how to
all these I am not sure that I could do all that or if it is possible…?
That’s why I posted this to get your help! Any suggestion is welcomed.

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