Multiple text boxes on a shape?



I am a new Visio user, and was wondering if you can put more then one text box on top of a shape...every time I try it, one of them goes to the back. I can't seem to have them both in the front at the same time and I am pulling my hair out! Help! Thanks in advance,

John Marshall, MVP

By definition, a shape can only have one text box, but you can group shapes.
Within the group, you can specifiy the front to back order. For the
component shapes that are text only, set the fill and line colour/pattern to

John... Visio MVP

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Heather said:
I am a new Visio user, and was wondering if you can put more then one text
box on top of a shape...every time I try it, one of them goes to the back.
I can't seem to have them both in the front at the same time and I am
pulling my hair out! Help! Thanks in advance,

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