I am attempting to search data in a cell that has multiple options of text
(different countries). The problem is, I might have El Salvador but also have
a company in El Salvador. So I need to be able to pull the data for both. I
can pull El Salvador, but, can't figure out how to look for the other also.
Here's the formula I'm using to pull the data:
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("ELSALVADOR",'[Master File.xls]All Data'!G2)),'[Master
File.xls]All Data'!A2,"")
Can I extend this formula in some way to also pull the company data.
Here's the scenrio I have:
Column A Column G
name Australia
name Company
name Thailand
I need to pull the information in Column A anytime ELSALVADOR or Company
shows up and ignore the rest.
Thanks for any help in advance.
(different countries). The problem is, I might have El Salvador but also have
a company in El Salvador. So I need to be able to pull the data for both. I
can pull El Salvador, but, can't figure out how to look for the other also.
Here's the formula I'm using to pull the data:
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("ELSALVADOR",'[Master File.xls]All Data'!G2)),'[Master
File.xls]All Data'!A2,"")
Can I extend this formula in some way to also pull the company data.
Here's the scenrio I have:
Column A Column G
name Australia
name Company
name Thailand
I need to pull the information in Column A anytime ELSALVADOR or Company
shows up and ignore the rest.
Thanks for any help in advance.