Hit the send button a little too soon ...
If you mean when they enter (open) the database, more is required:
1. You will need to create a Public variable that will be available
throughout the current Access session. To do this, open any Module and, at
the very top of the module, insert the following:
Public g_user as String
2. In the Open Event of your main form, you will need the following code:
g_user = InputBox("Enter your initials:")
The value of g_user will be available until the database is closed
3. When a user completes and saves a new record, you would use the
following code in the BeforeInsert event of the data entry form:
AddedBy = g_user
DateAdded = Date()
4. You will need to train your users to close the database when each has
finished a session, so that when a new user wants to enter records, he or
she will be forced to enter a new set of initials.
Of course, both possibilities offered will accept *any* initials. Unless
you also have a table containing acceptable initials and have some code to
compare the entered initials with acceptable initials, it is possible for
"mistakes" to get into the database.
Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX
Dani said:
The system is not networked, there is only one login id (it's a long story
to explain) and I can't change this. Would your method work if I used their
initials entered in an input box when they enter?