Multiple users - fixed form entry


Stan Smith

I have 4 users accessing a -call-log form entering details of telephone
calls which are recorded in a single excel spreadsheet. The 4 users are
called (Bay ABCD) and on the form there is a dropdown box for them to enter
their bay.
Is there a way I can have this box fixed so that when the user opens the
form the Bay is correctly filled in??

Many thanks in advance


Good morning..

You could change the default value for each user, assuming of course that you
are using a Front End / Back End configuration

Best regards

Stan Smith

Thanks for that - my Access book has very little on Database splitting.
I can see that if i split the database and put the Back end on the server
(S:\) and put the front end on the local C:\ drive
then the local users can have idividual forms but I am unsure how to get
multiple copies of the front end onto the local drives using the database
splitter??? It only seems to give me one split.....
As you can tell I'm real green at this......
many thanks for any info


Rick B

I would not change the default for each front-end. Then you have to
maintain four different front ends.

Instead, use an If or CASE statement to enter the appropriate bin based on
who is logged in to the databse. You can fill in the field based on the
CurentUser() value.

This assumes that you are ussing Access User-Level security and each user is
logging in.

Rick B

I have 4 users accessing a -call-log form entering details of telephone
calls which are recorded in a single excel spreadsheet. The 4 users are
called (Bay ABCD) and on the form there is a dropdown box for them to enter
their bay.
Is there a way I can have this box fixed so that when the user opens the
form the Bay is correctly filled in??

Many thanks in advance

Stan Smith

Rick B,
Thanks for the info - certainly gives me a different slant on how to do it.
Cud cut down ont he admin work significantly
Again Thanks

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