Base the form on a query which restricts the result set to those rows where
the value of the field in question matches the current user. Users will need
to log in somehow of course. In pre-2007 version of Access you can implement
user and group security, so each user logs into the database. Or you can get
the current user's Windows log-in name by putting the following module in the
database and calling the GetUser() function. Be sure you save the module
under a different name to that of the function, e.g. mdlGetUser:
''''module starts''''
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal _
lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Public Function GetUser() As String
Dim strBuffer As String
Dim lngSize As Long, lngRetVal As Long
lngSize = 199
strBuffer = String$(200, 0)
lngRetVal = GetUserName(strBuffer, lngSize)
GetUser = Left$(strBuffer, lngSize - 1)
End Function
''''module ends'''
If you use the latter method and the field in which the user names are
stored is called UserName for instance then a query would be something like
FROM [YourTable]
WHERE [UserName] = GetUser();
You can use the same function to automatically insert the current user's
system log-in name into the UserName field by putting this in the form's
BeforeInsert event procedure:
Me.[UserName] = GetUser()
You can find a demo of how this sort of 'row level security' can be set up
at the following link:
The demo *simulates* how it can be done rather than actually implementing it
as the 'log-in' is within the demo database itself, not into the system, but
the principles are the same. Bear in mind, however, that unless you have
implemented true user and group security it won't be difficult for users to
circumvent the row level security by accessing the underlying table directly.
Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England
I have a databse which has been split. I have about 6 users and I want to
tailor their front-end forms so that when they browse back through their
records (which, in this case, is done on the same form they enter data on),
they can view onyl their information.
How do I tailor a front-end form to view only records where a certain field
(their name) will return only the forms where that field is true? Do I have
to create a query or something or is there a way to modify the main form to
allow only the forms where this field is true to be viewable?
Am I making sense?
thanks in advance,