MUltiple Users, problem with just 1?


Sheila D

I have designed a database which is installed on a server and then accessed by 5 users all using Access XP. 1 user is unable to view results from a particular drop down list.

This PC has Windows ME whilst others are XP. Also only has Access XP not full Office suite. Originally had Access v. 2 which has been uninstalled but may of course have residue in registry. In other words an old machine while all others are new!

Techie says I will have to purchase Windows XP so that PC is the same but I can't see a logical reason why this should be causing a problem with just 1 drop down. Am I missing something here?

ANy help/suggestions much appreciated

Allen Browne

First, let's just check we are not talking about a runtime version of Access
created with the Developer's toolkit. There are special issues relating to
that on different o/s.

Next, check service packs. Open Access on the problem machine, and choose
About Help menu. If you do not see "SP2" mentioned, visit, and download and apply the service pack.

If the problem is stil present and occurs on only one combo in the entire
application, please provide more info about this box. Is it in the Detail
section of a form, or in the Form Header section? If you move the mouse to
the combo, are you able to select the width of what you expect to see, even
though the text is not visible? Does it look like the issue described
towards the end of this article:

If that's not it, what are the property settings for its:
- RowSource
- Bound Column
- Column Count
- Column Widths

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Sheila D said:
I have designed a database which is installed on a server and then
accessed by 5 users all using Access XP. 1 user is unable to view results
from a particular drop down list.
This PC has Windows ME whilst others are XP. Also only has Access XP not
full Office suite. Originally had Access v. 2 which has been uninstalled but
may of course have residue in registry. In other words an old machine while
all others are new!
Techie says I will have to purchase Windows XP so that PC is the same but
I can't see a logical reason why this should be causing a problem with just
1 drop down. Am I missing something here?

SHeila D

Thank you Alle

I am getting the version checked and will see if that resolves the problem. If not I will address your other querie

Thanks agai


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