multiple values in a field



How can we separate multiple numeric values in a single
field in a table so that a query can select either value?
We have converted a Q&A database to Access 2002 and
our "keyword" fields could contain any number of values as
long as they were separated by a semicolon. That doesn't
work with Access. If there is more than one value the
record is not selected.
Also how can you print the last two labels on a page of 20
Avery 5161 2 across 1"x4"? It doesn't omit any data, just
goes on to the next page of labels.

Allen Browne

A1: Multiple values in one field.
You don't. One of the basic rules of data normalization is that you do not
store more than one value in a field. To handle multiple values, create
another table related to the first one. Enter multiple records, i.e. a
one-to-many relationship.

You can use a filter of:
Like "*" & [SomeKeyword] & "*"
but ultimately this will be less successful and less efficient and less
reliable and less queryable than doing it property.

A2: Labels
Open the report in design view, and decrease the top and bottom margins.

The label wizard sometimes gets the margins wrong. The number of labels
vertically times the height of the label (1.3333") less the top and bottom
margins cannot be more than the height of the label sheet.

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